Retour Ukrainian law enforcement and stakeholder institutions benefit from a workshop on money laundering investigation and prosecution

© Council of Europe

© Council of Europe

A two-day workshop on money laundering investigation and prosecution took place on 3-4 October 2019 in Kyiv, Ukraine. The event brought together practitioners from wide range of authorities, including the State Financial Monitoring Service, National Police, Security Service, National Anti-Corruption Bureau, State Tax Service, Prosecutor General’s Office, State Bureau of Investigations.

The workshop provided participants with in-depth understanding, knowledge and skills regarding such important aspects as AML/CFT typologies; operational issues and investigative strategies; prosecution strategy including evidentiary aspects of ML investigations and prosecutions (direct and indirect evidence, level of proof regarding mental element and the predicate offence); interagency and international cooperation, cooperation with the FIU; investigative recording and techniques.

Extensive multi-stage case study contributed greatly to operationalization of the workshop and in providing participants with practical skills.

As a secondary but not less important outcome the workshop facilitated networking between different authorities involved in the area of investigation and prosecution of ML in Ukraine.

Kyiv, Ukraine 3-4 October 2019
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