Retour On-site mission on the development of AML/CFT Strategy for Moldova

On-site mission on the development of  AML/CFT Strategy for Moldova

CLEP organized a scoping mission focusing on the development of a new Anti-Money Laundering Strategy. An expert of the Council of Europe met with the Office for Prevention and Fight Against Money Laundering (OPFML), as main interlocutor, and together with representatives from OPFML, held a series of meetings with the General and Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Offices, the National Bank of Moldova, the National Commission for Financial Markets, different units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Customs Services and the Ministry of Information and Technology. The mission served the purpose of building a roadmap for OPFML to guide the drafting process of the new strategy, in preparation for the upcoming MONEYVAL Expert Review, scheduled for 2018.

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