Belarus introduces audits for procurement mechanisms in healthcare

Belarus introduces audits for procurement mechanisms in healthcare. As Belarusian Minister of Health Vladimir Karnik told to BelTA, the procurement mechanism in health care will be improved, become more open to the public and understandable to market participants. The legal framework in this regard is developed, though enforcement issues remain. Procurement mechanisms are to be improved, ensuring control of the procedure at all stages of their organisation. In this respect, the work of bodies that are engaged in procurement, will be subjected to audit.

June 2019
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Belarus and Azerbaijan to step up cooperation in fight against crime

Belarus and Azerbaijan to step up cooperation in fight against crime. Chairman of the Belarusian Investigative Committee and Azerbaijan's Prosecutor General signed a cooperation agreement. The agreement defines the main areas of cooperation between the two agencies in the fight against crime, including organised crime, terrorism and corruption. The parties also agreed on conducting training and professional development of personnel dealing with pre-trial investigations and research in the mentioned areas.

March 2019
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An inter-agency taskforce prepares bill on civil service

An inter-agency taskforce prepares bill on civil service. The proposed legislation harmonises regulations governing public, military and paramilitary service, and provides for a single system of civil service. It defines ethical standards applicable to civil servants. Other proposals put forward by the taskforce concern introduction of job rotation and setting up a body for civil service management.

January 2019
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Belarus hosts Eurasia Group (EAG) 29th Plenary week

Belarus hosts Eurasia Group (EAG) 29th Plenary week. 250 participants from the EAG member states, plus observer states and international organizations, attended the EAG Plenary session. The event helped prepare Belarus for the international assessment of the national anti-money laundering system for the compliance with international standards in 2018–2019. The main stage of the assessment is scheduled for March 2019, when EAG experts are expected to visit Belarus. The previous assessment of the national anti-money laundering system of Belarus took place in 2008.

November 2018
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Belarus interested in World Bank experience of government procurement system development

Belarus interested in World Bank experience of government procurement system development. Deputy Chairman of the State Control Committee of Belarus, Mr Vasily Gerasimov, made this statement as he met with World Bank representatives in Minsk on 25 October 2018. According to Mr Gerasimov, a new information and analysis system to manage government procurement is being developed to make the system more transparent and competitive. The meeting took place on the margins of a World Bank delegation visit to Belarus, led by Krish Krishnakumar, Manager of the Global Governance Practice in Procurement Solutions and Innovations, in order to get familiar with the practice and problems in the sphere of government procurement. During the visit, Mr Krishnakumar said he believes that the introduction of such a system for managing government procurement in Belarus would help consolidate information about ongoing procurement procedures and improve transparency.

October 2018
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President Lukashenko underlines the importance of public consultations of draft legal acts

President Lukashenko underlines the importance of public consultations of draft legal acts. At a meeting dedicated to the priorities for Belarus Presidential Administration, President Lukashenko noted the importance of expert contributions to legislative drafting and the coordination of the activities of state bodies in the legal field. According to the President, engaging the general public and expert councils in the discussion of draft legal acts has proven effective.

October 2018
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Belarus’ President fires Prime Minister over corruption

Belarus’ President fires Prime Minister over corruption. Andrei Kobyakov, Belarus’ prime minister was fired by President Alexander Lukashenko. In addition to Kobyakov, several other vice-premiers and the ministers for economy and industry have been removed from their posts. The firing relates to a corruption scandal over the summer that involved the country’s health services. Authorities arrested dozens of top health officials, medics, and pharmaceutical representatives over charges that they had siphoned off millions in state funding.

July/August 2018
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Belarus supports the development of cooperation with the European Union Justice authorities in the fight against corruption

Belarus supports the development of cooperation with the European Union Justice authorities in the fight against corruption, following the meeting of the Justice Ministers of the EU member states and the countries participating in the Eastern Partnership initiative which was held on 13 July 2018 in Innsbruck. The meeting offered an opportunity to discuss the priorities for the cooperation between the EU and the Eastern Partnership countries, with ministers affirming their commitment to pursue their reform processes, in line with the key deliverables for 2020 pertaining to justice and home affairs. In this context, the ministers emphasised that the fight against corruption and implementation of public administration reforms are of crucial importance for promoting good governance at all levels and increasing public confidence in national and local institutions. According to the First Deputy Head of Minister of Justice of the Republic of Belarus, it is of vital importance to develop permanent channels for international cooperation between justice agencies in resolving issues in this area.

July/August 2018
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Representatives of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) agreed on a draft agreement on cooperation in combating corruption

Representatives of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) agreed on a draft agreement on cooperation in combating corruption. The CIS intends to implement joint programmes and activities, conduct anti-corruption monitoring, exchange information and to improve the legal framework for cooperation. Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan will render each other legal assistance and assistance in cases of corruption offenses, carry out coordinated and operational search, operational and preventive measures, cooperate in the search for and detention of persons who have committed corrupt crimes. In addition, it is planned to establish cooperation in the field of search and return of proceeds of corruption. Another important aspect is providing legal protection and support to citizens and organisations involved in combating corruption.

July/August 2018
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Corruption scheme in the healthcare system uncovered

Corruption scheme in the healthcare system uncovered. The State Intelligence Service of Belarus detained or applied other preventive measures in respect of 33 public officials and other persons (in total over 50 persons) linked to the recently uncovered large-scale corruption scheme in the healthcare system. According to the Intelligence Service, officials received bribes ranging from 10,000 to 450,000 USD for creating favourable conditions to award contracts to “right supplier” in procurement of medical equipment and medicines. As a result of this corruption scheme, the price of certain medicines was inflated by 10-60% and in some cases even up to 100%. The Head of Intelligence Service informed that the investigation of this complex case will continue and will most probably take several months. The President Lukashenko earlier made a statement that nobody would escape responsibility for being involved in corruption, in particular high-level officials.

June 2018
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