Fourth cycle of the specialised training on financial instruments related to assets recovery for Prosecutors (Andrevlje, Serbia, 8 November – 24 November 2012)

24 November 2012 Andrevlje, Serbia

Specialised training course for prosecutors on financial investigations related to assets recovery will be held in November 2012 in Andrevlje, Serbia. This is the final course and participants will be prosecutors from the area of jurisdiction of Novi Sad Appellate Prosecutors Office. The Course...

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Third cycle of the specialised training on financial instruments related to assets recovery for Prosecutors (Kalna, Serbia, 4 October - 20 October 2012)

20 October 2012 Kalna, Serbia

Specialised training course for prosecutors on financial investigations related to assets recovery was held in October 2012 in Kalna, Serbia. This time participants were prosecutors from the area of jurisdiction of Niš Appellate Prosecutors Office. The Course consisted of three sessions that were...

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Training of journalists on asset recovery reporting (Kragujevac, Serbia, 14 June 2012)

14 June 2012 Kragujevac, Serbia

CAR project organized a fourth training session on assets recovery reporting. The aim of the training, conducted by EBART Media Archive, addressed some of the shortcomings identified in the two reports prepared under the CAR project (first report prepared by EBART and second by CESID). The main...

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Expert meeting Managing Seized and Confiscated Assets – Challenges and Solutions" (31 May – 1 June 2012, Belgrade, Serbia)

1 June 2012 Belgrade, Serbia

The CAR project, together with the OSCE Mission in Serbia,held a two day expert meeting on "Managing Seized and Confiscated Assets –Challenges and Solutions". The aim of the meeting was to facilitate the cooperation of the regional asset recovery offices and enhance their efficiency in managing...

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2nd Event on “Criminal Asset Recovery and ECtHR Jurisprudence” (17 April 2012, Belgrade, Serbia)

17 April 2012 Belgrade, Serbia

Following the request of the Serbian Supreme Court of Cassation, The CAR Serbia Projectwill hold another event on “Criminal Asset Recovery and Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights” in Belgrade on17 April 2012. This session will be attended mainly by the judges of the Supreme Court...

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Second specialised training on financial instruments related to assets recovery for Prosecutors (Ecka, Serbia 22-24 March 2012)

24 March 2012 Ecka, Serbia

A Second cycle of training for prosecutors concerning the international financial instruments related to assets recovery started on 22 March 2012 in Ecka. The training gathered the prosecutors from the jurisdiction of Belgrade Appellate Prosecutors Office.Three different training sessions were...

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Additional session to the specialised training on financial instruments related to assets recovery for Prosecutors (3-4 February 2012, Kragujevac, Serbia)

4 February 2012 Kragujevac, Serbia

The specialised training course for prosecutors, that consisted of three sessions and was finalised in December 2011, will be continued in February 2012 with the additional session dealing with some specific aspects of financial investigations. It will take place in Kragujevac, Serbia on 3 and 4...

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Conference “Criminal Asset Recovery and ECtHR Jurisprudence”

2 December 2011

CAR project is organising a one day conference “Criminal Asset Recovery and Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights” which will be held in Belgrade on 2 December 2011. The aim of the conference is to discuss the issues related to recovery of proceeds from crime from the perspective of...

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Regional Ministerial Conference "Challenges and Achievements of Regional and Transnational Cooperation in Fight against Organized Crime in South East Europe"(Belgrade, Serbia, 29-30 November 2011)

30 November 2011 Belgrade, Serbia

CAR project supported the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Serbia in organising the Ministerial Conference which is held on 29 and 30 November 2011 in Belgrade. The conference will bring together high level representatives of the countries from the region with...

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Specialised training on financial instruments related to assets recovery for Prosecutors (Kragujevac, Serbia, 25-26 November 2011)

26 November 2011 Kragujevac, Serbia

CAR project will hold a highly specialised training course for prosecutors concerning the international financial instruments related to assets recovery. The training is consisted of three different sessions that will be organised on weekly basis from 25 November to 10 December 2011 in...

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