Closing Conference (26 March 2010, Tbilisi)

30 March 2010 Strasbourg

The GEPAC Project’s closing conference took place at the Marriott Hotel in Tbilisi on 26 March 2010. Mr Vakhtang Lejava, Chief Advisor to the Prime Minister of Georgia, Mr Heino van Houwelingen, Counsellor /DHM, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Ms Ardita Abdiu, Head of Corruption and...

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Workshop on Indicators and Reporting Tools for Monitoring the Implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy of Georgia (24 February 2010, Tbilisi)

26 February 2010 Strasbourg

On 24 February 2010, a workshop on Indicators and Reporting Tools for Monitoring the Implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy of Georgia was conducted. During the workshop, the Project’s short-term adviser, Ms. Marijana Trivunovic made a presentation on the aforementioned subject...

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Development of Anti-Corruption Training Module (22-25 February 2010, Tbilisi)

22 February 2010 Strasbourg

Within the framework of the GEPAC project, the Council of Europe, in cooperation with the Federal Bureau of Anti-Corruption (BAK) of Federal Ministry of the Interior of Austria, and with the Government of Georgia, organised a curriculum development workshop for a specialised anti-corruption...

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Presentation for Media on National Anti-Corruption Strategy of Georgia and Perception of Corruption Surveys (29 January 2010, Tbilisi)

3 February 2010 Strasbourg

A Presentation for Media on National Anti-Corruption Strategy and on the results of two GEPAC surveys took place at the State Chancellery. The representative of the survey company GORBI presented the findings of the surveys of “Perception of Corruption in Georgia – General Public Survey” and...

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Perception of Corruption Surveys are completed !

28 January 2010 Strasbourg

The two surveys were conducted among the general public and the public officials and addressed the perception of corruption in Georgia. The general public survey assessed the degree of integrity of various service providers, the existing corruption reporting system, prevailing attitudes and the...

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Public Discussion on National Anti-Corruption Strategy of Georgia (15 January 2010, Tbilisi)

19 January 2010 Strasbourg

One of the main aims of the GEPAC project has been to assist the drafting of the Anti-Corruption Strategy. In relation to this, a public discussion on national Anti-Corruption Strategy of Georgia took place with the participation of representatives of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and...

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Training on access of public to information (26 December 2009, Tbilisi)

4 January 2010 Strasbourg

The Council of Europe organised training for the public officials dealing with granting access of public information. The objective of the meeting was to discuss the national legislation on free access to public information and the problems of implementation of this legislation in practice. The...

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3rd Steering Group Meeting (25 June 2009, Tbilisi)

29 June 2009 Strasbourg

The 3rd GEPAC Steering Group Meeting (SG) took place at the Ministry of Justice in Tbilisi on 25 June 2009. The purpose of the meeting was to review the progress made to date, to discuss the possibility of extending the project and the recruitment of a second national Long Term Advisor. As a...

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3rd Progress Report

27 April 2009 Strasbourg

The report evaluates the results of the activities which took place since September 2008 focusing mainly on strengthening the capacities for prosecuting and investigating high level corruption cases, as well as the support to the new Coordination Council for Fighting against Corruption. While the...

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Meeting with the "Coordination Council for Fighting against Corruption” (2-6 February 2009, Tbilisi)

11 March 2009 Strasbourg

Following the establishment by President Saakashvili of the “Coordination Council for Fighting against Corruption” on 26 December 2008, GEPAC project team met with the Deputy Chairperson as well as several members, from the government, administration and representatives of the Civil Society,...

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— 10 résultats par page
Résultats 1 - 10 sur 24 résultats


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