CLEP-Moldova presented its results and achievements during the sixth Steering Committee Meeting and the Closing Event

26 May 2020 Chisinau, Moldova

On 26 May 2020, the Joint EU/CoE Project Controlling Corruption through Law Enforcement and Prevention (CLEP) organised its sixth Steering Committee (SC) meeting and the Closing Event on an online platform which gathered representatives from all beneficiary institutions, SC members, partners and...

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Webinar on AML/CFT requirements for the real estate sector and notaries in the Republic of Moldova

23 April 2020

On 23 April 2020, the CLEP Project organised a webinar for representatives of notaries and real estate sector on anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing (AML/CFT) compliance requirements. The event was organised in cooperation with the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) of the...

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Webinar on forensic accounting for Moldovan judges and prosecutors

21-22 April 2020 Chisinau, Moldova

On 21-22 April 2020, the CLEP Project organised a two-day webinar on Forensic Accounting for eighteen judges and prosecutors in collaboration with the National Institute of Justice of the Republic of Moldova. The Council of Europe experts presented the main functions of forensic accounting in...

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CLEP Project supports the development of a training manual on AML/CFT compliance dedicated to lawyers

3 March 2020 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

An anti-money laundering training for lawyers took place on 3 March 2020, with the application of a subject-matter training manual developed and published by the CLEP Project. The manual is designed as a resource for the lawyers to increase awareness about their anti-money laundering obligations...

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Training on Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment for law enforcement institutions and supervisory entities in the Republic of Moldova

26-27 February 2020 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

On 26-27 February 2020, in collaboration with the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) of the Republic of Moldova, the CLEP Project organised a two-day training on Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment for representatives of law enforcement institutions and supervisory entities. The participants were...

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Regional conference on asset recovery and asset management

29-30 January 2020 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

The regional conference “From Asset Recovery to Asset Management” took place in Chisinau on 29-30 January 2020. The conference aimed at sharing good comparative practices related to recovery, management and disposal of frozen, seized or confiscated proceeds of crime and discussing international...

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CLEP Project discussed asset recovery coordination mechanisms with key stakeholders

16-17 January 2020 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

On 16-17 January 2020, CLEP project facilitated expert meetings with Moldovan authorities in order to present potential asset recovery coordination mechanisms between the institutions, discuss European and international practices in this field and implementation mechanisms to improve asset...

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Study visit of Moldovan asset recovery officials to the Belgian Central Office for Seizure and Confiscation and to the EUROPOL

2-4 December 2019 the Hague, the Netherlands

Between 2 and 4 December 2019, six representatives of the Moldovan Asset Recovery Office attended a study visit to the Belgian Central Office for Seizure and Confiscation (COSC) in Brussels and to the EUROPOL in the Hague. The agenda of the study visit included exchange of experiences concerning...

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Workshop on cash smuggling and anti-money laundering for customs officers from the Republic of Moldova

3-4 December 2019 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

The Council of Europe, in collaboration with the Moldovan Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), has supported a two-day workshop on cash smuggling and anti-money laundering for twenty four customs officers from the Republic of Moldova. The Council of Europe experts presented the methods and...

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French authorities host a Moldovan delegation on a Study Visit

25-27 November 2019 Paris, France

Between 25 and 27 November 2019, representatives of the Anti-Corruption Prosecution Office and of the National Anti-Corruption Centre of the Republic of Moldova (six participants, five men and one woman)participated in a Study visit in France during which they had the opportunity to meet with...

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  Annual Reports

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      2017 - 2018 - 2022

  Activities annually

      2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 -
      2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022 -
