Supervisory and reporting entities in Azerbaijan are trained on terrorism financing and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

10 December 2018 Baku, Azerbaijan

The training on “Terrorism Financing and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction” took place today in Baku, Azerbaijan and brought together the representatives of Financial Market Supervisory Authority, Financial Monitoring Service, compliance officers of 30 commercial banks, as well as...

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Preventing conflict of interest among members of parliament in Azerbaijan

23 November 2018 Baku, Azerbaijan

A workshop on the prevention of conflict of interest for Members of Parliament takes place on 23 November 2018 in Baku, Azerbaijan. The workshop is organised in cooperation with the Azerbaijani Commission on Combatting Corruption. A Council of Europe expert will present the key findings of the...

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Workshop on Risk Assessment Methodology and Sector-specific Guidelindes for Banking Sector

2 November 2018 Baku, Azerbaijan

A workshop to present the risk assessment methodology for banking sector and sector-specific guidelines for the application of risk-based procedures within the framework of the PGG project “Strengthening the Anti-Money Laundering in Azerbaijan" took place on 2 November 2018 in Baku, Azerbaijan....

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Training on “Processing and Adjudicating Money Laundering Cases”

22-23 October 2018 Baku, Azerbaijan

A two-day training on “Processing and Adjudicating Money Laundering Cases” took place today in Baku, Azerbaijan. The training was organised in cooperation with the Commission for Combating Corruption, Anti-Corruption Directorate under General Prosecutor’s Office, and other relevant government...

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Training on “Terrorism Financing: Concepts and Challenges”

27 September 2018 Baku, Azerbaijan

A one-day training on “Terrorism Financing: Concepts and Challenges” took place today in Baku, Azerbaijan. The training was organised in cooperation with the Commission for Combatting Corruption, Anti-Corruption Directorate under General Prosecutor’s Office, State Security Service, and other...

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Developing Risk Assessment Methodology and Sector-specific Guidelines in Azerbaijan

24-26 September 2018 Baku, Azerbaijan

A three-day scoping mission aiming to collect information for the preparation of a risk assessment methodology for the banking sector and preparing sector-specific guidelines for the application of risk-based procedures was organised within the framework of the PGG project “Strengthening the...

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Training on Investigative Techniques in Money Laundering

24-25 May 2018 Baku, Azerbaijan

A two-day training on “Investigative Techniques in Money Laundering” takes place in Baku Azerbaijan. The training is organised in cooperation with the Anti-Corruption Directorate under the General Prosecutor’s Office. Investigators, prosecutors and judges, as well as representatives of other...

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Steering Committee Meeting of the Project on “Strengthening Anti-Money Laundering in Azerbaijan”

5 February 2018 Baku, Azerbaijan

The Project on “Strengthening Anti-Money Laundering in Azerbaijan” held its Steering Committee Meeting on 5 February 2018. Representatives from 13 key beneficiary institutions attended the meeting, which focused on the presentation of the activities to be implemented under the project in the...

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Workshop on “Introducing and delivering Anti-Corruption and Ethics courses in higher education”

24 November 2017 Baku, Azerbaijan

In cooperation with the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan the PGG Project on “Strengthening capacities to fight and prevent corruption in Azerbaijan” is organising a workshop on “Introducing and delivering Anti-Corruption and Ethics courses in higher education”. The event targets members of the...

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Pilot Trainings on Ethics and Anti-Corruption in Public Service

9-10 October 2017 Ganja, Azerbaijan

Two regional pilot trainings, one on Ethics in Public Service and one on Anti-Corruption in Public Service, take place in Ganja, Azerbaijan. Over 40 members of regional civil service, academia and civil society have already benefited from two previous regional Pilot Trainings delivered by CoE...

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Résultats 1 - 10 sur 26 résultats


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