Towards Strengthened Democratic Governance in the Southern Mediterranean logo

On 4 February 2015 the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers adopted the Neighbourhood cooperation objectives with Morocco for  2015-2017,  which  were  developed  based  on close consultations  between  the Moroccan authorities  and  the  Council of Europe. These objectives establish the overarching framework of bilateral cooperation between the Council of Europe and Morocco and include the following:

  • To consolidate  the  results  of  the  co-operation  implemented  since  2012  through  the “Neighbourhood Co-operation Priorities with Morocco 2012-2014” and to initiate new areas of co-operation in line with national reform priorities, based on a demand-driven approach, in the fields of expertise of the Council of Europe.
  • To continue the efforts made to facilitate the creation of a common legal area between Europe and Morocco, encouraging the authorities to bring Moroccan legislation into line with European and international standards and to ratify the Council of Europe conventions open to non-member States, with due regard for the procedures set out in the relevant conventions.
  • To provide support to the development and to the effective implementation of new legislation in accordance with European and other international standards, according to the identified needs.
  • To provide support to the setting-up and functioning of human rights institutions and new governance structures.
  • To enhance Morocco’s presence in the Council of Europe structures of which it is already a member or observer (Venice Commission, the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice, the European Pharmacopoeia, the Pompidou Group’s MedNet network) and to encourage country’s participation in other Council of Europe structures, according to the identified needs.

In order to implement the above mentioned objectives the Council of Europe has commenced the implementation of the Programme “Towards Strengthened Democratic Governance in the Southern Mediterranean (South Programme II)”, building on the outcomes and achievements of the 1st phase of the South Programme  implemented  in 2012-2014. The geographical scope of the Programme covers cooperation  with  countries  of  the  Middle  East  and  North  Africa  (MENA)  region,  but  in  particular Tunisia, Morocco and Jordan, who will act as the main beneficiaries.

The Programme serves as the overarching framework  for  Council of Europe  cooperation  with Morocco in  the following three priority  areas:  i)  human  rights;  ii)  rule  of law and  iii)  democracy. The “rule of law” area includes a significant component on “Combating corruption and money laundering”, which will be implemented as one of the Programme’s components in the form of a separate Project.


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  •  2015-2016

Capacity building on financial forensics for the Moroccan police

26-27 February 2018 Rabat, Morocco

The South Neighbourhood Anti-Corruption Project (SNAC 2) held a two-day training on financial forensics in for specialized units of the Moroccan Police. In the course of these two days, some 19 participants representing the General Directorate of National Security (DGSN) and the Moroccan...

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Workshop for Moroccan financial institutions on preventing and identifying money-laundering transactions related to corruption

12 April 2017 Rabat, Morocco

On 12 April 2017, the Council of Europe, in cooperation with the Moroccan Anti-Corruption Authority (ICPC), the FIU (UTRF) and the Central Bank (Bank Al-Maghrib) organised a workshop on preventing and identifying money-laundering of proceeds of corruption. The workshop participants discussed best...

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Increasing capacities of the Moroccan FIU to detect corruption-related transactions

13 October 2016 Rabat

A scoping mission of a CoE expert to the Moroccan Financial Intelligence Unit Unité de traitement du renseignement financier- UTRF) took place on 13 October 2016. The CoE expert discussed with UTRF good practices and working methods to receive, analyse and properly disseminate suspicious...

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Head of Unit I/Administrator
Phone: +33 (0)3 90 21 55 99
Fax: +33 (0)3 88 41 39 55
Email: Igor.NEBYVAEV [at]

Project Assistant
Tel: +33 (0)3 90 21 51 16
Fax: +33 (0)3 88 41 39 55
Email: Gaelle.JOVANOVSKI [at]


Council of Europe Office in Rabat
Espace les Patios Bâtiment B1 - 5ème étage
2A Avenue Annakhil - Hay Riad
10000 Rabat
Phone: +212 537 57 5000
Email: conseil-europe.rabat [at]


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