Final Conference: Introducing European Anti-corruption Standards (9 December 2009, Kyiv)

16 December 2009 Strasbourg

The final conference of the project gathered representatives of the Ukrainian partner institutions (including Ministry of Justice, Government Agent for anti-corruption policy, Parliament) as well as of the European Union Delegation in Ukraine and the Council of Europe Secretariat. The project...

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UPAC organised four more regional seminars on the anti-corruption package of laws (November 2009)

27 November 2009 Strasbourg

These seminars took place in Kharkiv on 12-13 November and Odessa on 24-25 November. Two seminars for prosecutors (12 and 24 November) were co-organised with the General Prosecutor's Office and the Academy of Prokuratura, while two other seminars for judges (13 and 25 November) were held...

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Series of regional seminars on the new anti-corruption legislation (October-November 2009)

5 November 2009 Strasbourg

These seminars were organised in cooperation with the Kharkiv Institute of Applied Humanitarian Research and the Ministry of Justice. in addition to four seminars held before - two in Simferopol (22-23 October) and two in Zaporizhia (28-29 October). These events, moderated by leading Ukrainian...

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Training on detection and investigation of corruption and money laundering offences (21-25 September 2009, Lviv)

15 October 2009 Strasbourg

The UPAC project organised a pilot (model) training on detection and investigation of corruption and money laundering related offences. This 5 days training was prepared and delivered by the experts of the International Centre for Asset Recovery of Basel Institute of Governance. It gathered more...

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Steering Committee Meeting (25 June 2009)

25 June 2009 Strasbourg

The 7th Steering Committee Meeting of the UPAC project gathered representatives of the partner institutions, the European Commission and the Council of Europe. The participants were expected to assess the project's achievements since February 2009, review the UPAC workplan of activities according...

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Results of system study on corruption risks (26 June 2009, Kyiv)

20 June 2009 Strasbourg

The results of the system study on corruption risks within the criminal (pre-trial and trial stages), civil, administrative and commercial proceedings in Ukraine were presented during a round table followed by a press conference. This study aimed at supporting the enhancement of the preventive...

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Results of the system study on corruption risks (16 June 2009, Kyiv)

16 June 2009 Strasbourg

A system study on corruption risks within the Public Administration and in particular, the fields of administrative services, control and supervision has been conducted since December 2008. It aimed at supporting the enhancement of the preventive capacities against corruption in the public...

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Adoption of the "Anti-Corruption package of laws" by the Verkhovna Rada (11 June 2009, Kyiv)

16 June 2009 Strasbourg

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (Parliament) adopted in 2nd reading the "Anti-Corruption package of laws" proposed by the President of Ukraine. The so-called "Anti-corruption package" consists of the three following laws: Law on the Principles of Prevention and Counteraction of Corruption, Law on...

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Mission of the President of the Council of Europe Group of States Against Corruption - GRECO(2-3 June 2009, Kyiv)

16 June 2009 Strasbourg

Mr Drago Kos, President of GRECO, carried out a two-days mission in Ukraine aimed at supporting the strengthening of the national anti-corruption legislative framework and policy in line with GRECO recommendations, international and European standards. In this respect, the President of GRECO met...

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Roundtable on Identification of Corruption Risks (27 April 2009, Kyiv)

23 April 2009 Strasbourg

The UPAC project, in cooperation with the French Embassy in Ukraine and the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, hold a roundtable discussion concerning the identification of corruption risks. In this perspective, French experts and representatives of Ukrainian NGOs shared their experiences in...

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— 10 résultats par page
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