UPIC Project: International Conference on Extradition

6 november 2008 Ukraine

5-6 November, Kyiv, Ukraine Agenda: ENG | UKR

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International Conference on Economic Crime (Warsaw, Poland, 30 June - 1 July 2008)

1 July 2008 Poland

Within the framework of the joint project of the Council of Europe and the European Commission on the International Co-operation in Criminal Matters in Ukraine (UPIC), with contribution of the joint project against Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in Ukraine (MOLI-UA 2), the Council of...

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Languages Training for MOJ and OPG officials

30 june 2008 Ukraine

October 2007-June 2008 Kyiv and regions, Ukraine

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Training Seminar on Recognition and Execution of Foreign Judgments, 18-19 June, Truskavets, Ukraine

19 june 2008 Ukraine

The Training Seminar was organised for the practitioners from the Ministry of Justice, Office of the Prosecutor General and Judges involved in international co-operation in criminal matters. The objective of the Seminar was to provide an opportunity to the participants to enhance their knowledge...

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Study Visit to Italy and Switzerland, 7-11 April 2008

11 April 2008 Italy and Switzerland

The Italian and Swiss Authorities officially agreed to host the Ukrainian Delegation and the visit covered the institutions engaged in international co-operation in criminal matters located in Rome, Bern and Geneva. Ten participants from the Ministry of Justice, Office of the Prosecutor's...

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Workshop on Co-operation manual

28 February 2008 Ukraine

28 February 2008, Kyiv, Ukraine Agenda List of participants

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Training Seminar on Confiscation, Extradition and MLA

27 February 2008 Ukraine

25-27 February 2008, Kyiv, Ukraine Agenda List of participants

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UPIC Project: Study Visit on Judicial Co-operation

5 October 2007 United Kingdom

United Kingdom, 1-5 October 2007 Agenda: ENG | UKR

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Human Rights and Judicial Co-operation Training Seminar

31 May 2007 Ukraine

Within the framework of the Project on International Co-operation in Criminal Matters in Ukraine a Human Rights and Judicial Co-operation Training Seminar took place in Kyiv from 28 to 31 May 2007. The Training Seminar was organised for justice officials, prosecutors and judges and was divided...

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Human Trafficking Legislative Workshop

27 May 2007 Ukraine

Within the framework of the Project on International Co-operation in Criminal Matters in Ukraine - UPIC, a Human Trafficking Legislative Workshop took place in Kyiv, Ukraine on 24 May 2007. The Workshop was organised with the Ukrainian drafting committee to look into more detail at the CoE...

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