Partnership for Good Governance (PGG) is a regional programme, organised around country specific interventions and supporting alignment of national legislation and practice with European standards, according to the individual needs of the EaP countries. Partnership for Good Governance (PGG) is a regional programme, organised around country specific interventions and supporting alignment of national legislation and practice with European standards, according to the individual needs of the EaP countries. The programme builds on the achievements of the two previous EU/CoE PGG Programmes (PGGI 2015-2018 and PGG II 2019-2023). The country specific interventions are complemented by the regional actions in the PGG priority areas. In addition, the interventions were designed taking into account the priorities of EU accession perspectives, thus targeted assistance will be provided in the areas identified by the CoE monitoring bodies and EC opinions on EU membership, and the subsequent regular reports.

Building upon the Council of Europe and the European Union policy priorities in the context of EaP, the programme aims to assist these countries in their efforts to implement national reforms in line with European standards, among other, in the area of fight against corruption, money laundering and terrorism financing.

The thematic area of fighting against corruption, money-laundering and terrorist financing is one of the components within the overall PGG framework, and consists of a regional and five bi-lateral projects for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.