Technical Papers AAC Moldova
- TP 1 - 2020 - Review of the composition and operation of the Superior Council of Magistracy of the Republic of Moldova ENG / RO
- TP 1 - 2021 - Review of the composition and operation of the Superior Council of Prosecutors of the Republic of Moldova ENG / RO
- TP 2 - 2021 - Review of the national framework governing the disciplinary liability of prosecutors in the Republic of Moldova ENG / RO
- TP 3 - 2021 - Mechanisms for integrity checking of judges during appointment and promotion in the judiciary in the Republic of Moldova ENG / RO
- TP 4 - 2021 - Analysis of the legislative framework, procedures, organization and effectiveness of the national integrity authority of the Republic of Moldova ENG / RO
- TP 5 - 2021 - Analysis of the draft amendments to the law on the national integrity authority, law on declaration of assets and personal interests and relevant bylaws developed by the presidency of the republic of Moldova ENG
- TP 6 - 2021 - Judicial Inspection of the Republic of Moldova – Analysis and recommendations on legislation and internal practices ENG / RO