The project on “Improving International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters in Türkiye” aims to strengthen the capacities of Turkish authorities to establish effective and expedited international cooperation in criminal matters, thereby contributing to proper administration of justice in cases involving foreign elements. It is co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe, and implemented by the Council of Europe for a period of 36 months, starting from 10 December 2020. The Ministry of Justice, Directorate General for Foreign Relations and European Union Affairs (DGFREU) is the lead and end beneficiary institution in Türkiye.
Through the project activities and actions, some of the key institutional, legislative and capacity building needs of Türkiye's mutual legal assistance system will be tackled, as identified in strategic and policy documents. For this purpose, the project will carry out a comprehensive set of activities, including legislative and regulatory reviews, assessments, development of software solution and capacity building and training.

The overall objective is to enhance the system and capacities of Turkish authorities to accelerate judicial proceedings and conduct effective international judicial cooperation in criminal matters. This objective is expected to be achieved through the following outcomes:

  1. Ensuring that the legislative and institutional framework for international judicial cooperation in criminal matters in Türkiye provides for effective international cooperation;
  2. Enabling the Turkish judicial authorities to effectively cooperate with other jurisdictions in criminal matters relying on international standards and agreements and utilising networks for exchange of information.

Workshop on Circular on international judicial cooperation in criminal matters and templates for Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) requests

04 July 2024 Izmir, Türkiye

On 4 July 2024, the ICCM project held a workshop in İzmir, Türkiye, with the participation of 20 representatives from the Ministry of Justice, Directorate General for Foreign Relations and EU Affairs (DGFREU), and judges and prosecutors. The workshop aimed to facilitate discussions among the...

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Conference on international judicial cooperation in criminal matters

27-28 May 2024 Ankara, Türkiye

On 27-28 May 2024, an international conference on “International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters and Combatting Cybercrime" was held in Ankara under the ICCM project in collaboration with the Turkish Ministry of Justice Directorate General for Foreign Relations and European Union Affairs...

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Workshop on templates for Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) requests

25 April 2024 Ankara, Türkiye

On 25 April 2024, a workshop was held in Ankara with the participation of 25 representatives from the Ministry of Justice Directorate General for Foreign Relations and EU Affairs (DGFREU) and judges and prosecutors from Ankara. The workshop aimed to facilitate discussions among the participants...

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Unit for Eastern and South-Eastern Europe (E & SEE)

Contacts in Headquarters (Strasbourg)

Head of Unit
Phone: +33 (0)3 88 41 25 11
Fax: +33 (0)3 88 41 39 55
Email: Evgeni.EVGENIEV [at]

Project Assistant
Phone: +33 (0)3 88 41 32 39
Email: Ina.FAGU [at]



Contacts in Turkey

Project Manager
Ms Ilknur YUKSEK
Phone: + 90 (543) 523 00 08
Email: Ilknur.YUKSEK [at]

Project Linguistic Assistant
Ms Hazal CETIN
Email: Hazl.CETIN [at]

Project Assistant
Ms Betul Ece YILMAZ
Email: Betul-Ece.YILMAZ [at]

Council of Europe Programme Office in Ankara

Yıldızevler Mahallesi, R.Tagore Cad Yunus Ensari İş Merkezi,
No:10/7 ve 8, 06550, Turkey
Phone: + 90 (312) 468 84 64

Fax: + 90 (312) 468 84 06