Building financial investigation capacities of Azerbaijani law enforcement and judiciary

06 - 07 February 2023 Baku, Azerbaijan

The Azerbaijani government is making progress towards the introduction of parallel financial investigations and non-conviction-based confiscation into national legislation and practice. In this context, and following recent support provided by the project through an expert opinion on draft...

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Azerbaijani lawyers to improve compliance with anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism rules

01 - 02 February 2023 Baku, Azerbaijan

In cooperation with the Azerbaijani Bar Association and the Financial Monitoring Service, the Council of Europe organised a workshop for lawyers, with the aim to promote their clear understanding of anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) compliance, in line with...

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Azerbaijani practitioners strengthen their capacity to fight money laundering related to serious tax crimes

30-31 January 2023 Baku, Azerbaijan

Financial intelligence, Tax, Law enforcement and Customs practitioners of Azerbaijan explored specific ways of identifying and preventing money laundering linked to tax evasion, in a dedicated workshop on this subject. The workshop, requested by the Azerbaijani authorities in order to obtain...

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Azerbaijani law enforcement and judiciary enhance their knowledge on latest confiscation mechanisms

20-21 December 2022 Baku, Azerbaijan

A workshop on the latest mechanisms for confiscation of proceeds from crime was organised for 39 prosecutors, investigators, judges, financial intelligence and other law enforcement practitioners in Azerbaijan. The workshop aimed to reinforce their knowledge and skills on the types and techniques...

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Discussing anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism in the securities sector in Azerbaijan

03 November 2022 Baku, Azerbaijan

Representatives of the Financial Monitoring Service, the Central Bank and the National Depository Centre of Azerbaijan were brough together for a one-day workshop with the aim to enhance their understanding of anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) requirements...

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Azerbaijani notaries and supervisory authorities aim to improve compliance with anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism rules

31 October – 02 November 2022 Baku, Azerbaijan

In cooperation with the Ministry of Justice and the Chamber of Notaries, the Council of Europe delivered a training course for notaries, as designated non-financial businesses and professions (DNFBPs) under the anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) framework....

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Non-profit organisations discuss terrorism financing risks and AML/CFT measures in their sector in Azerbaijan

26 - 27 October 2022 Baku, Azerbaijan

Following the request of national authorities, the PGG Project on “Strengthening anti-money laundering and asset recovery in Azerbaijan” organised an awareness-raising workshop for fifty representatives of non-profit organisations (NPOs), including non-governmental organisations and religious...

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Advancing legislative reforms related to non-conviction-based confiscation and parallel financial investigations in Azerbaijan

12 October 2022 Online

After thorough consultations with national authorities and an extensive review of background documentation and applicable legislation, a detailed analysis of the draft legal amendments introducing non-conviction-based confiscation and parallel financial investigations in Azerbaijan was produced...

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Draft legislative framework related to financial investigations and non-conviction-based confiscation discussed in Azerbaijan

30 August 2022 Online

The PGGII Project in Azerbaijan continues to support the national authorities in their efforts towards setting up an effective asset recovery system in the country. Following up on the extensive assessment of the legal and institutional framework for asset recovery in Azerbaijan and related...

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Azerbaijani banks and investment companies trained further on Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing risks related to virtual assets

23-24 June 2022 Baku, Azerbaijan

The emerging area of digital assets is of particular interest with regards to anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT), as it presents additional layers of complexity, more elements of advanced technology, and a faster-evolving and more volatile environment than...

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— 10 résultats par page
Résultats 1 - 10 sur 38 résultats