Officials from the Asset Management, and Asset Recovery Realm in the Eastern Partnership Region exchange on how best to manage seized assets

30 - 31 January 2023 Tbilisi, Georgia

Over 15 public officials from the asset management and asset recovery offices, prosecution and anti-corruption bodies from beneficiary countries from the Eastern Partnership Region came together in Tbilisi and on-line to discuss best practices, common challenges, and international standards in...

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Civil society actors and public authorities discuss roles and collaboration against economic crime

20-21 December 2022 Strasbourg, France

Representatives of national authorities involved in the prevention of corruption, money laundering and terrorism financing, and of civil society organisations (CSOs) of the countries of the Eastern Partnership, the Western Balkans and Türkiye, were brought together in an intra-regional workshop...

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Investigators and prosecutors from the Eastern Partnership region build their financial investigations skills

7 - 9 November 2022 Strasbourg, France

Dedicated technical capacity for conducting financial investigations has proven to be a determining factor for the effectiveness of the fight against economic crime worldwide. Indeed, financial investigations can help identify organised criminality, determine the structure of organised crime...

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Practitioners from Financial Intelligence Units discuss good practices on strategic and operational analysis

20-22 September 2022 Strasbourg, France

Representatives of the Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs) of the beneficiary countries participated in the international workshop on “Comparative Solutions and Good Practices for Financial Intelligence Units on Strategic and Operational Analysis” organised by the Economic Crime and Cooperation...

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The integrity of Moldovan self-administrative bodies of judges and prosecutors supported through enhanced open-source investigation

20-21 July 2022 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

Responding to a country-specific request from the pre-vetting Secretariat of the Republic of Moldova, the Regional Project Strengthening measures to prevent and combat economic crime offered a training on open-source investigation and web crawling to all newly appointed analysts of the...

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Training for Ukrainian Judges on Seizure and Confiscation ready to be rolled-out throughout the country

29 June 2022 Online

The Council of Europe and the National School of Judges of Ukraine (NSJU) joined forces to deliver a training on seizure and confiscation for Ukrainian criminal judges, both from district and appellate courts, which took place on-line on June 29 with over 85 participants. This training built on...

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International Conference on Advancing Beneficial Ownership Transparency

24-25 June 2021 Visio Conference

In contributing to the international on-going efforts to enable countries to access and share reliable beneficial ownership information, the Council of Europe, in co-operation with the European Union, organised an international Conference on Advancing Beneficial Ownership Transparency on 24 – 25...

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Online regional workshop the “Use of Non-Conviction Based Seizure and Confiscation”

27 and 28 April 2021 Visio Workshop

On 27 and 28 April Regional Project Strengthening Measures to Prevent and Combat Economic Crime hosted a workshop on The Use of Non-Conviction Based Seizure and Confiscation. The workshop welcomed representatives from law enforcement bodies, judiciary and other government bodies with policy...

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Online regional workshop “Red Flags and Electronic Systems of Asset Declaration”

20 and 21 April 2021 Visio Workshop

Asset declarations can be instrumental in preventing corruption and promoting integrity, but only if disclosure is subject to verification. With limited resources, authorities are often challenged to choose what declarations to scrutinize. Red flags can be useful in identifying which declarations...

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Expert meeting on the selection on asset declarations for audit

25-26 June 2020 Visioconference

With a view to facilitate process of analysing and auditing asset declarations to relevant oversight bodies, series of exchanges with representatives of relevant structures took place on 25-26 June in online format. The meeting is a part of the global activity, targeted to reinforce system of...

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COVID-19 pandemic: GRECO warns about corruption risks

21 April 2020 Strasbourg, France

The Council of Europe’s Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) has published guidelines addressed to its 50 member states aimed at preventing corruption in the context of the health emergency caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The guidelines, issued by GRECO’s president, Marin Mrčela, underline...

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Regional conference on asset recovery and asset management

29-30 January 2020 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

The regional conference “From Asset Recovery to Asset Management” took place in Chisinau on 29-30 January 2020. The conference aimed at sharing good comparative practices related to recovery, management and disposal of frozen, seized or confiscated proceeds of crime and discussing international...

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Regional Workshop on Effective Implementation of Targeted Financial Sanctions for the Eastern Partnership countries

9-10 December 2019 Strasbourg, France

A regional workshop dedicated to the effective implementation of targeted financial sanctions for terrorism, terrorist financing and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction took place in Strasbourg on 9-10 December 2019. Seventeen practitioners representing the financial intelligence and law...

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Regional Workshop on Parliamentary Integrity for the Eastern Partnership countries

12-13 November 2019 Vilnius, Lithuania

Twenty participants representing parliamentary self-regulatory bodies, national parliaments and external oversight bodies from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia and Republic of Moldova exchanged opinions with the Council of Europe experts at a regional workshop on the code of conduct as an...

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Coordination meeting with PGG country focal points

23 May 2019 Strasbourg, France

A coordination meeting with PGG country focal points took place in Strasbourg on 23 May 2019, to discuss the plan of activities, and to provide recommendations for its implementation. The members of the Committee represent main counterparts in each partner country, including from anti-corruption...

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