Supervisory capacities of the National Bank of Ukraine on AML/CFT strengthened

23 December 2021 Online

A training on supervisory techniques to assess the effectiveness of application by obliged entities of controls on anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing (AML/CTF) and their ability to detect and prevent financial crime marked the completion of a series of on-line training for...

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Effective investigation, prosecution and sanctioning of money laundering offences advanced in Ukraine

14 December 2021 Online

Jointly with the National School of Judges of Ukraine (NSJU), the Council of Europe organised an online expert discussion on the application of the recently updated criminal offence of money laundering. This activity builds on long-standing and fruitful cooperation with the NSJU that has been...

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Ukrainian non-banking financial institutions better equipped to prevent, detect and report money laundering and terrorist financing

11, 18, 25 November and 2, 9 December 2021 Online trainings

The Council of Europe, in cooperation with the National Bank of Ukraine, delivered a comprehensive training to non-banking financial institutions in better delivering on their anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing obligations. As the National Bank of Ukraine has under its...

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The Ukrainian banking sector reinforces its skills in preventing money laundering and terrorism financing

28 September, 05, 12, 19 and 26 October 2021 Online trainings

In cooperation with the National Bank of Ukraine, the Council of Europe organised a series of trainings with over 420 banking professionals participating. Five weekly sessions served to enhance the skills of the baking professionals in applying Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist...

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The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine better equipped to conduct its AML/CFT sectoral risk assessment

25 and 28 October 2021 Online workshop

The new Anti-Money Laundering Law in Ukraine has resulted in a significant increase in the number of Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions (DNFBPs) under supervision by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine for compliance with AML and Counter Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF) requirements....

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Ukrainian judges trained on adjudicating terrorist financing cases

05 October 2021 Online training

In continuation of previous capacity building efforts and series of training activities for Ukrainian judges in the field of anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT), the Council of Europe’s Economic Crime and Cooperation Division (ECCD) recently conducted a...

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Manual on financial investigations to guide law enforcement professionals in Ukraine

30 September 2021 Kyiv, Ukraine

On 30 September 2021, the Council of Europe organised the launching and presentation event of the Manual on financial investigations for Ukraine. The Manual is the achievement of more than two years of joint efforts by law enforcement agencies, the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), the asset...

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Interagency dialogue on transparency of beneficial ownership in Ukraine

01-02 July 2021 Videoconference

The Council of Europe continues to support national partners in Ukraine in their efforts to strengthen their beneficial ownership disclosure and verification mechanisms in compliance with international standards and recommendations. On 01-02 July 2021, the Council of Europe national and...

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Training to improve terrorist financing detection and investigation in Ukraine

13, 20, 27 and 30 April 2021 Online training

A complex online training course on terrorist financing detection, disruption and investigation was delivered to practitioners of the Security Service of Ukraine, including operatives and investigators, as well as representatives of training institutions. Moreover, with a view to ensuring...

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Ukrainian prosecutors refine their knowledge and skills on effective investigation and prosecution of money laundering offences

25-27 April 2021 Online training

The new Anti-Money Laundering Law, which came into force in Ukraine on 28 April 2020, has also introduced a new version of the money laundering offence. This change resulted in confronting legal practitioners, including prosecutors, with a number of challenges related to the effective...

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Ukrainian judges are trained to train their peers on money laundering

29-30 March 2021 Visiotraining

As a part of a long-standing cooperation with the National School of Judges of Ukraine aimed at strengthening judicial capacities related to money laundering, training of trainers was conducted for Ukrainian judges through Council of Europe support on 29-30 March 2021. Following up on the...

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National Proliferation Financing Indicators for Ukraine

19 March 2021 Videoconference

On 19 March 2021 the technical paper on “Proliferation Financing Threats in Ukraine” was presented to Ukrainian stakeholders in an online event. The document is the result of several months of joint work with a wide range of concerned national authorities including policymakers, law enforcement,...

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High Anti-Corruption Court judges trained on money laundering adjudication in Ukraine

25 February 2021 Kyiv, Ukraine

Within an extensive five-days online training course organized by the National School of Judges of Ukraine, the Project on “Strengthening measures to counter money laundering and financing of terrorism in Ukraine” contributed to the training of judges of the High Anti-Corruption Court of Ukraine,...

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Raising Ukrainian awareness on proliferation financing

22 January 2021 Videoconference

On 22 January 2021, a wide range of national stakeholders in Ukraine gathered in an on-line training workshop aimed at raising their awareness on proliferation financing typologies and activities. The workshop is an integral element of a broader initiative to assist national authorities in...

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PGGII Ukraine AML/CFT Project holds its Second Steering Committee Meeting online

14 January 2021 Videoconference

The second Steering Committee Meeting of the EU/Council of Europe Partnership for Good Governance (PGGII) Project on “Strengthening measures to counter money laundering and financing of terrorism in Ukraine” was organised on 14 January 2021. Due to COVID-19 related restrictions the meeting was...

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Risks of misusing NPO for terrorist financing analysed

14 January 2021 Ukraine

A technical paper on “Assessment of the Response of the Government of Ukraine to the Requirements of FATF Recommendation 8 and Immediate Outcome 10” was finalised in January 2021. The paper is based on a desk review of legislation, existing approaches to identification and assessment of terrorist...

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Ukrainian judges trained on adjudication of money laundering cases

18-19 November 2020 Videoconference

In a continuous effort to support Ukrainian national authorities in strengthening their capacities to tackle money laundering, the online training for judges on “Adjudication of money laundering cases” was organized on 18-19 November 2020 together with the National School of Judges of Ukraine....

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Ukrainian Prosecutors are trained on anti-money laundering standards and obligations

11 and 13 November 2020 Videoconference

With a view to strengthen capacities of national authorities to tackle money laundering offences, a two-day online training on FATF standards on money laundering criminalisation and Ukraine's obligations under the Warsaw Convention was held on 11 and 13 November 2020, with 20 Prosecutors. The...

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Ukraine undertakes to develop its AML/CFT regulatory framework for virtual assets service providers

3 November 2020 Ukraine

New anti-money laundering legislation, which came into effect earlier this year, brough significant novelties and changes to the whole anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) system of Ukraine. Among other innovations, the scope of the AML/CFT legislation was...

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Enhancing AML/CFT supervision in the gambling sector in Ukraine

25 September 2020 Kyiv, Ukraine

On 25 September 2020 the Council of Europe organised a training workshop on “Anti-money laundering and Counter-terrorist financing (AML/CFT) compliance in the gambling sector”. The event was prepared and delivered in close cooperation with the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine. Due to recent...

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— 20 résultats par page
Résultats 1 - 20 sur 31 résultats