Workshop on anti-money laundering and countering financing of terrorism risk-based supervision of non-financial sector in Georgia

18-19 April 2024 Tbilisi, Georgia

The Council of Europe continues to support the Ministry of Justice and the Bar Association of Georgia in improving risk-based supervision of non-financial sector (designated non-financial businesses and professions) in anti-money laundering (AML) and countering terrorist financing (CFT). A ...

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The Council of Europe supports the Anti-corruption Bureau of Georgia to consolidate capacities in the development and implementation of national anti-corruption policies

8-9 February and 19-20 February 2024 Tbilisi, Georgia

The Council of Europe organised a comprehensive four-day training event for the representatives of the Anti-corruption Bureau of Georgia aimed at enhancing internal knowledge and skills in designing anti-corruption policy documents. This initiative is part of a series of events aimed at...

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Promoting enhanced AML/CFT compliance of Virtual Asset Service Providers in Georgia

14-15 February 2024 Tbilisi, Georgia

The Council of Europe, in cooperation with the National Bank of Georgia and the Financial Monitoring Service, organised a two-day training on “Anti-money laundering/countering financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) compliance for virtual asset service providers (VASPs)”, attended by 44 representatives...

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Investigators and prosecutors from Georgia improved their skills in undertaking financial investigations to detect economic crimes

04 - 05 December 2023 Tbilisi, Georgia

The Council of Europe in cooperation with the Office of the Prosecutor General of Georgia, organised a tailored training on "Effective Parallel Financial Investigation" in Tbilisi, Georgia. The training explored into Anti-Money Laundering/Countering Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) trends,...

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The Council of Europe supports the Anticorruption Bureau of Georgia to consolidate its mandate in preventing corruption

27 - 28 September 2023 Tbilisi, Georgia

The Council of Europe is currently assisting the Anticorruption Bureau of Georgia in consolidating its mandate in the field of corruption prevention, by enhancing the institution’s corruption risk assessment procedures, as well as by developing a training of trainers’ program. In close...

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Council of Europe supports the High School of Justice of Georgia to deliver in-service trainings on adjudication of ML/TF cases for candidate and sitting judges

21 - 22 September 2023 Lopota, Kakheti Region, Georgia

The Council of Europe, in cooperation with the High School of Justice (HSOJ) of Georgia, developed a training module on the topic of “Adjudication of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Cases” to be used by the HSOJ during in-service trainings of candidate and siting judges. A related...

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The Council of Europe supports the development of the institutional strategy of the Anticorruption Bureau of Georgia

18 - 19 September 2023 Tbilisi, Georgia

The Council of Europe has initiated support for the newly established Anti-corruption Bureau of Georgia in view of developing its institutional strategy and action plan. The Bureau was established in November 2022 with a wide mandate in the field of combating corruption. Among its main tasks, the...

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Representatives of Georgian municipalities are better informed on importance of corruption prevention in the public sector

15 - 16 June 2023 Tbilisi, Georgia

The representatives of local municipalities of Georgia have an important role in the development and implementation of anti-corruption policies and promoting integrity tools. To support a better understanding and implementation of the anti-corruption framework at the local level, the Council of...

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Partners and stakeholders of the EU/CoE PGG Project agree on continued cooperation under PGG III

13 April 2023 Tbilisi, Georgia

The first Project Technical Steering Committee Meeting of the EU/CoE Partnership for Good Governance Project on “Consolidating and Enhancing the Institutional and Operational Frameworks for the Prevention and Combatting of Corruption, Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in Georgia” was...

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New initiatives in the field of AC, AML and assets recovery were inaugurated as part of the third phase of the EU/CoE Partnership for Good Governance

01 March 2023

In March 2023, the Council of Europe began the implementation of the third phase of the European Union/Council of Europe Partnership for Good Governance Programme (2023-2026). Partnership for Good Governance (PGG) is a regional programme, organised around country specific interventions and...

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