Council of Europe continues supporting Serbian authorities in sustaining and advancing fight against economic crime and money laundering

29 May 2024 Belgrade, Serbia

The fight against money laundering, corruption and organised crime continue to be important priorities for Serbia, in view of the negative impact they have on the rule of law and the economic development of the country. The Council of Europe remains dedicated to supporting the public ...

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Council of Europe launches training program for international cooperation in criminal matters

28 March 2024 Belgrade, Serbia

On 28 March 2024, a launching of the online training course took place in Belgrade within the project Preventing Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in Serbia in cooperation with the Council of Europe regional project HELP in Western Balkan. This event marked the start of a comprehensive...

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Priority actions for improvement of anti-money laundering efforts in Serbia presented

26 March 2024 Belgrade, Serbia

The project findings with regard to pertinent challenges in the detection and investigation of money laundering offences and asset recovery were presented in Belgrade, on 26 March 2024. The analysis took into account the comprehensive information provided by all relevant institutions and a series...

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Establishing risk-based supervision of Virtual Asset Service Providers (VASP) in Serbia

25-26 January 2024 Belgrade, Serbia

The urgency of enhancing the risk-based supervision over the virtual assets sector increased following the registration in Serbia of the first VASPs in 2023. A tailored approach, taking into account the specific risks diverging from those of traditional financial and non-financial services, is...

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Serbian judiciary, prosecution and police completed the three-module training program on processing standalone ML offences

13-14 December 2023 Sabac, Serbia

The final module of the training program on processing and adjudicating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (ML/TF) cases has been organised in Sabac, Serbia on 13 and 14 December 2023. The module focused most notably on ML/TF adjudication and sanctioning, and it touched upon alternatives to...

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Sweden and Council of Europe hand over equipment to the Serbian Police to fight money laundering

12 December 2023 Belgrade, Serbia

Systematic collection and processing of information is crucial for better processing of criminal offences of money laundering and terrorist financing, as well as for the effective seizure and confiscation of proceeds of crime. The Case Management System, currently being developed with the support...

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Capacities of Serbian NPOs to recognize and mitigate risks of abuse for TF purposes raised

30 November - 01 December 2023 Belgrade, Serbia

The two-day workshop, aimed at raising the awaraness of NPOs on risks related to terrorist financing and mitigation of those risks, took place in Belgrade on 30 November and 1 December. The workshop featured presentations of representatives of state institutions – Ministry of Human and Minority...

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Risk-based oversight and supervision of NPOs in Serbia strengthened

29 November 2023 Belgrade, Serbia

The workshop on supervisory approach to the supervision of the NPO sector in Serbia, took place on 29 November 2023 in Belgrade and has gathered the representatives of the Governmental Working Group on Supervision of NPOs, composed of representatives from the Tax Administration, prosecution,...

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Serbia Strengthens Anti-Money Laundering Measures Through Training on Use of Electronic Evidence

13-14 November 2023 Vrsac, Serbia

The second module of the training on processing standalone money laundering offences, has further strengthened capacities of 30 selected prosecutors, police officers and judges to collect, preserve and evaluate electronic evidence in money laundering cases. The training was based on analysis of...

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Serbian authorities strenghthen the processing and adjudication of money laundering offences

28 - 29 September 2023 Vrsac, Serbia

As part of the project "Preventing money laundering and terrorist financing in Serbia", the first module of the training on processing and adjudicating money laundering as a standalone criminal offence was organised for prosecutors, judges and law enforcement. The training was developed based on...

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Working with Serbian authorities on assessing remaining gaps affecting risk-based AML/CFT prevention

25 - 26 September 2023 Belgrade, Serbia

On 25 and 26 September 2023, the project "Preventing Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in Serbia" organised an assessment visit to Serbian institutions, supervisors of financial and non-financial sector. The primary objective of this visit was to conduct a comprehensive gap analysis in the...

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Inter-institutional coordination in prevention and supression of corruption enhanced

06 - 07 September 2023 Belgrade, Serbia

As part of the project "Preventing money laundering and terrorist financing in Serbia", 6-7 September, training was held for employees of the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption and the Administration for the Prevention of Money Laundering on reporting suspicious transactions, as well as...

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Serbian law enforcement trained on targeted risk-border controls for prevention of money laundering, terrorism financing and proliferation

15 June 2023 Belgrade, Serbia

The project Preventing Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in Serbia has conducted a training program focused on equipping customs officials and border police in Serbia with the necessary knowledge and skills to combat money laundering (ML), terrorist financing (TF), and proliferation...

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Study visit to Belgium and the Netherlands on processing of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Offences

24 - 28 April 2023 The Hague, Amsterdam - Brussels, Belgium

Representatives of Serbian prosecution, judiciary, and law enforcement agencies participated in a five-day visit to their counterparts in the Netherlands and Belgium where they discussed with representatives of Member State and EU institutions enhancing financial investigations, as well as the...

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Review of procedures for AML/TF related border controls conducted

19 April 2023 Belgrade, Serbia

A mission in Serbia to support the strengthening of integrated border management and prevention of money laundering and terrorism financing cross-border risks was organised on 19 April 2023 in Belgrade. The Council of Europe held extensive consultation meetings with the Serbian authorities,...

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Discussing the modalities for improvement of the legal framework for registration and supervision of NPOs in Serbia with authorities and civil society

24 March 2023 Belgrade, Serbia

The analysis of the legal and regulatory framework in Serbia for registration and supervision of Non-Profit-Organisations (NPOs) and its compliance with the international standards was the key document discussed during a roundtable organised by the project Preventing Money Laundering and...

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Discussing challenges for prosecution and adjudication of money laundering offences

09 - 10 March 2023 Belgrade, Serbia

A two-day mission to discuss practical aspects of the prosecution and adjudication of money laundering (ML) cases was held on March 9th and 10th in Serbia with representatives from prosecution, judiciary and police. The mission aimed to develop an overview of the practical challenges for the...

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Improving the effectiveness of the asset recovery regime in Serbia

7 - 8 March 2023 Belgrade, Serbia

Within the project “Preventing Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in Serbia”, a two-day workshop has been organised in Vrdnik to present and discuss the findings and recommendations on the effectiveness of the asset recovery (AR) regime in the Republic of Serbia. This workshop was a...

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Auditors in Serbia trained to better detect suspicious activities and transactions

21 - 22 February 2023 Belgrade, Serbia

As part of the project “Preventing Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in Serbia”, in cooperation with the Serbian Securities Commission, a two-day training has been organised in Belgrade to improve the quality of audit controls for auditors and enhance their ability to detect suspicious...

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Good practices in assessing risks of Electronic Money Issuers presented to Serbian officials

13 January 2023 Belgrade, Serbia

The Workshop on good practices in risk assessment of Electronic Money Issuers (EMI) took place on 13 January 2023, within the project Preventing Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in Serbia, gathering 10 representatives of the working group established by the Government to conduct the ML/TG...

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— 20 résultats par page
Résultats 1 - 20 sur 52 résultats