Retour GLACY+: Specialised Course on International Cooperation for Prosecutors and Judges in Cape Verde

The GLACY+ Project in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice of Cape Verde organised a specialised course on international cooperation for prosecutors and judges on 22-24 June 2022 in Praia, Cape Verde.
GLACY+: Specialised Course on International Cooperation for Prosecutors and Judges in Cape Verde

The course aimed to expand participants’ knowledge and understanding of the legal framework and best practice for international cooperation on cybercrime and electronic evidence as provided by the Budapest Convention and its Second Additional Protocol.

The specialised course was led by two international experts and provided a forum for interactive and constructive discussions and debates. The 20 prosecutors and magistrates shared their experience and expertise on international cooperation, and deepened their knowledge on the different possibilities for formal and informal international cooperation provided by the Convention.

The specialised course on international cooperation was preceded by an advisory workshop on the streamlining of procedures for Mutual Legal Assistance related to cybercrime and electronic evidence, which provided an opportunity to assess the current needs of the criminal justice authorities of Cape Verde in this area and identify further capacity-building support to be provided through the GLACY+ project.

Cape Verde acceded to the Budapest Convention in 2018 and since then has benefited from capacity building support as a priority country for the GLACY+ project.

 Training materials, guides, templates


 Cybercrime Programme Office (C-PROC)

 Budapest Convention on Cybercrime

 Second Addition Protocol to the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime

Praia 22-24 June 2022
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Secrétariat du T-CY

Alexander SEGER
Secrétaire exécutif

Manager de programme

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