Retour iPROCEEDS: Public-private cooperation for fighting cybercrime and online crime proceeds in Albania

Tirana, Albania , 

Public/private information sharing is an effective approach in preventing and controlling risks posed by cybercrime and criminal money flows on the Internet.

The Cybercrime Unit of the Albanian State Police with the support of iPROCEEDS project organised a meeting under its auspices for information sharing between the criminal justice authorities and the private sector (financial sector and ISPs).

In his opening remarks, Mr Tonin VOCAJ, the Director of Criminal Police Department highlighted the importance of such meetings, which represent a forum for inclusive discussion on cyber threats, potentials risks, as well as sharing information between the stakeholders on new trends and criminal activities in the country.

Mr VOCAJ called upon the participants to work together in finding solutions for effective prevention and detection of cybercrime by strengthening existing and establishing new partnerships.

Mr Lutfi MINXHOZI, the Director of Economic Crimes Department emphasised the need for a strong cooperation between private sector and the state institutions in order to prevent cybercrime. He drew attention on the fact that nowadays cybercrime is replacing traditional crimes more and more.

The meeting gathered representatives of the Ministry of Interior of Albania, prosecutors, representatives of the Financial Intelligence Unit, National Bank of Albania, the National Authority on Electronic Certification and Cybersecurity, as well as the representatives from the private sector. Participants shared information on challenges related to online financial crime and Internet abuse and challenges faced by businesses as a result of cybercrime.

It was concluded that cooperation between law enforcement agencies and the private sector is a key solution in combatting this phenomenon.


Secrétariat du T-CY

Alexander SEGER
Secrétaire exécutif

Manager de programme

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