Retour Octopus project – CYBERKOP action: Domestic workshop on public-private cooperation on assessing and mitigating security risks and incidents in the 5G era

Octopus project – CYBERKOP action: Domestic workshop on public-private cooperation on assessing and mitigating security risks and incidents in the 5G era

The CYBERKOP Action of the Octopus Project is supporting the National Cyber Security Unit (KOS-CERT) to organise a workshop in Pristina, Kosovo* aimed at strengthening the public-private cooperation in managing 5G security risks and incidents.

The workshop brings together 20 representatives from the cybersecurity institutions, the criminal justice authorities and the private sector. Through interactive sessions with experts from European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), e-Governance Academy and the National Cybersecurity Agency of Italy (ACN) participants are gaining insights into 5G technology and its associated security risks, as well as international standards and good practices in assessing these threats.

Furthermore, they are delving into mitigation of 5G security risks, examining domestic procedures and tools and exploring regulatory and legislative developments. The event aims to enhance public-private cooperation, ensure a coordinated approach to tackling 5G cybersecurity threats, identify the necessary amendments to the domestic regulatory framework as to be compliant with international standards.

CYBERKOP Action will continue to support the cooperation between criminal justice authorities, cybersecurity institutions and private industry and improvement the relevant domestic regulatory frameworks.


*All references to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions, or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations’ Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.

Octopus Project
Cybercrime Programme Office (C-PROC)

Pristina 17 September 2024
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