Retour iPROCEEDS: 4th Annual Symposium on Cybersecurity Awareness

Bucharest, Romania , 

The Joint Project of the European Union and the Council of Europe – iPROCEEDS supported the organisation of the 4th Annual Symposium on Cybersecurity Awareness of the Anti-Phishing Working Group, held on 26-27 June 2019, in Bucharest, Romania.

Organised with the scope to establish strategies and to present resources for deployment of national and global cybersecurity awareness campaigns, the Symposium mediated the exchange of best practices for deployment of cybersecurity awareness campaign and introduced the latest research in the behavioral factors that contributes to cybercrime’s success.

The meeting brought together representatives of law enforcement agencies, national CERTs, academia, researchers and NGOs from all over the world, including iPROCEEDS countries/areas, who had the opportunity to share information and case studies of successful cyber awareness trainings and to debate the advantages and obstacles of awareness campaigns.

Participants had the opportunity to increase their knowledge on the techniques and methodology of development and measurement of awareness programs as a form of cybercrime prevention. They became aware of available resources for deployment of national, regional or global cybersecurity awareness campaigns.

To make awareness and education a primary global defence mechanism against cybercrime and other malicious online enterprises, APWG.EU, Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre (EC3), SWITCH, ChildSafeNet, Get Save Online, etc. put together their efforts to develop effective awareness programs, such as: STOP. THINK. CONNECT, #CyberScams, Money Muling, No More Ransom!, Stop Child Abuse – Trace an Object, Hack The Hacker escape room, Cyber Safety Awareness Video, Get Safe Online in the Commonwealth, etc.


Secrétariat du T-CY

Alexander SEGER
Secrétaire exécutif

Manager de programme

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