IPROCEEDS - Coopération internationale en matière de lutte contre la Cybercriminalité - est un projet conjoint de l'Union Européenne (IAP II programme d'action multi-pays 2014) et le Conseil de l'Europe.
Pays participants: l'Albanie, la Bosnie-Herzégovine, le Monténégro, la Serbie, "l’Ancienne République yougoslave de Macédoine", la Turquie et le Kosovo*

Objectif: Renforcer la capacité des autorités dans la région de l'IAP à rechercher, saisir et confisquer les recettes provenant de la cybercriminalité et prévenir le blanchiment d'argent sur l'Internet.

Les indicateurs comprennent :

  • Etendre les enquêtes financières et les poursuites liées à la cybercriminalité et les recettes provenant de la criminalité en ligne.
  • Le niveau de conformité avec les normes internationales sur la cybercriminalité, le blanchiment d'argent et de la perquisition, la saisie et la confiscation des recettes provenant de la cybercriminalité (Conventions du Conseil de l'Europe STE 185 et 198).


*Cette désignation est sans préjudice des positions sur le statut et est conforme à la résolution 1244 du Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies ainsi qu'à l'avis de la CIJ sur la déclaration d'indépendance du Kosovo







  • General guide and Explanatory Report on Protocols on interagency and international cooperation for investigations involving proceeds from crime online:
  1. Albania: ENG/ ALB
  2. Bosnia and Herzegovina: ENG/ BiH
  3. Montenegro: ENG/ MNE
  4. North Macedonia: ENG/ MKD
  5. Serbia: ENG/ RS
  6. Turkey: ENG/ TR
  7. Kosovo*: ENG/ ALB

Rapport d'activité du C-PROC pour 2023

5 avril 2024 Strasbourg

Aujourd'hui, la Secrétaire générale Marija Pejčinović Burić a partagé avec le Comité des Ministres son rapport sur les activités en 2023 du Bureau du programme sur la cybercriminalité (C-PROC) du Conseil de l'Europe. Ce rapport confirme une fois de plus la portée mondiale et l'impact du...

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C-PROC: Call for Short-Term Consultants (Ad-Hoc Basis)

2 December 2019 Bucharest, Romania

The Cybercrime Programme Office of the Council of Europe (C-PROC) based in Bucharest, Romania has launched a Call for consultancy services on cybercrime and electronic evidence for short-term consultants on an ad-hoc basis. Please consult the full call below and submit the requested documentation...

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iPROCEEDS: Closing Conference

9 - 10 December 2019 Strasbourg, France

Launched in January 2016, with a duration of 48 months, the Joint Project of the European Union and the Council of Europe – iPROCEEDS, held its Closing Conference from 9 to 10 December 2019, in Strasbourg, France. The meeting proved to be an active reunion where progress in each of the seven...

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iPROCEEDS: Graduation of the UCD Master programme on Forensic Computing and Cybercrime Investigation

3 December 2019 Dublin, Ireland

On 3 December 2019, eight additional students graduated the Master Programme on Forensic Computing and Cybercrime Investigation with outstanding results. The iPROCEEDS project has supported the participation of 11 law enforcement officers in a long-distance master programme on Forensic Computing...

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iPROCEEDS: Pilot Training on Cryptocurrency and Dark web Investigation

2-6 December 2019 Bucharest, Romania

The Dark web is becoming increasingly a place where illegal activity thrives, while criminals operate in perceived anonymity. Reportedly, almost 30% of hidden services on Tor relate to some form of illicit activity, such as selling illicit drugs, weapons, compromised data, counterfeit documents,...

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iPROCEEDS: Third delivery of the Introductory training module on online crime proceeds


During the period 25-28 November 2019, the iPROCEEDS project supported the National delivery of the Introductory training module on cybercrime, electronic evidence and online crime proceeds for judges and prosecutors. The training was organised in cooperation with the Judicial Academy of Serbia...

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The last four final assessment workshops under iPROCEEDS project

19 - 28 November 2019 Albania, North Macedonia, Kosovo*, Turkey

iPROCEEDS project was launched to address challenges with respect to cybercrime and related criminal money flows by strengthening the capacity of criminal justice authorities to effectively respond to cybercrime and to search, seize and confiscate proceeds from online crime. In December 2019 the...

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iPROCEEDS: Training on guidelines and indicators to prevent and detect online crime proceeds

22 November Tirana, Albania

Online fraud and other types of cybercrime generate proceeds of crime and often the Internet is the place where the laundering process begins. The new developments of the payment systems offer opportunities for money launderers and render more difficult the detection of potentially suspicious...

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iPROCEEDS: Judicial Training on cybercrime, electronic evidence and online crime proceeds

21-22 October; 29-30 October 2019 Ohrid, North Macedonia

The iPROCEEDS project supported the national delivery of the Introductory Training Course on Cybercrime, Electronic Evidence and Online Crime Proceeds for judges and prosecutors. The training was organised in cooperation with the Academy for Judges and Public Prosecutors “Pavel Shatev” and was...

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iPROCEEDS: Open Source Intelligence training course

21 – 25 October 2019 Bucharest, Romania

The impact of cybercrime on governments, business and individuals is unprecedented. Reportedly it costs the world almost $600 billion or 0.8 percent of global GDP.1 Fighting cybercrime and promoting security has, thus, become a priority. However, criminal justice authorities are facing numerous...

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iPROCEEDS: Legal Reflections on 24/7 Point of Contact and Preservation Requests in Turkey

15 October 2019 Istanbul, Turkey

To increase awareness of the national stakeholders on the National 24/7 Point of Contact and create intellectual resources for future harmonisation of the Turkish law with the Convention, police, judges, prosecutors, officials of the Ministry of Justice, access providers and hosting service...

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iPROCEEDS: Performance Review Workshops

14 -17 October 2019 Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Joint Project of the European Union and the Council of Europe targeting crime proceeds on the internet in South Eastern Europe and Turkey - iPROCEEDS is to be completed in December 2019. In this context, it started the assessment visits to review and measure progress made in achieving results...

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Troisième réunion annuelle du Réseau 24/7 des Points de Contact

8 octobre 2019 La Haye

L'une des réalisations les plus tangibles de la Convention de Budapest sur la cybercriminalité est le réseau des points de contact 24/7, établi en vertu de l'article 35 du traité. Les enquêtes transfrontalières sur la cybercriminalité et les preuves électroniques nécessitent une action...

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2ème conférence internationale du Conseil de l'Europe et d'Eurojust: Darknet et la violence sexuelle contre les enfants en ligne

30 septembre - 1 octobre La Haye, Pays-Bas

La deuxième conférence conjointe sur la cybercriminalité organisée par Eurojust et le Conseil de l'Europe est consacrée aux enquêtes sur les violences sexuelles en ligne contre les enfants sur le réseau Darknet. L'événement réunira environ 120 participants de pays soutenus par des projets de...

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iPROCEEDS: Investigative techniques for deployment of undercover agents in the online environment

17 -20 September 2019 Bucharest, Romania

Cybercrime keeps evolving in terms of volume, complexity and impact and one of the major threats of the twenty-first century is the expansion of serious and trans-border crimes. If the crime happens online, the traditional undercover operation is unable to find its efficiency and scope. To...

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Underground Economy Conference - "Towards innovative solutions to meet the challenge of cybercrime"

3 - 6 September 2019 Strasbourg, France

From 3 to 6 September 2019, the Council of Europe co-hosted the Underground Economy Conference 2019 at the Palais de l’Europe. This prominent international information security event, co-organised by Team Cymru and the Council of Europe, brought together around 500 experts from law enforcement...

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The first Meeting of the National Judicial Trainers on Cybercrime and Electronic Evidence

10-12 July 2019 Strasbourg, France

Judges and prosecutors play an important role in the investigation, prosecution and adjudication of individuals or groups that have committed crimes. With the increased number of incidence where these crimes have a digital element, a need is created for judges and prosecutors to be properly...

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iPROCEEDS: Multi-language templates for Data Preservation Request and Access to Stored Data

08 July 2019 Bucharest, Romania

The T-CY Assessment report on mutual legal assistance provisions of the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime puts forward a number of recommendations to the members of the Budapest Convention. The use of the multi-language templates for processing of requests and generally making the process of...

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iPROCEEDS: 4th Annual Symposium on Cybersecurity Awareness

26-27 June 2019 Bucharest, Romania

The Joint Project of the European Union and the Council of Europe – iPROCEEDS supported the organisation of the 4th Annual Symposium on Cybersecurity Awareness of the Anti-Phishing Working Group, held on 26-27 June 2019, in Bucharest, Romania. Organised with the scope to establish strategies and...

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GLACY+ and iPROCEEDS: Workshop on channels and avenues for international cooperation in cybercrime

25-27 June 2019 Singapore

The Council of Europe and INTERPOL organized a Workshop on channels and avenues for international cooperation in cybercrime, at the INTERPOL Global Complex for Innovation in Singapore, dedicated to police officers coming from GLACY+ and iPROCEEDS priority countries. The workshop was opened by...

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Secrétariat du T-CY

Alexander SEGER
Secrétaire exécutif

Manager de programme

Contactez le secrétariat