IPROCEEDS - Coopération internationale en matière de lutte contre la Cybercriminalité - est un projet conjoint de l'Union Européenne (IAP II programme d'action multi-pays 2014) et le Conseil de l'Europe.
Pays participants: l'Albanie, la Bosnie-Herzégovine, le Monténégro, la Serbie, "l’Ancienne République yougoslave de Macédoine", la Turquie et le Kosovo*

Objectif: Renforcer la capacité des autorités dans la région de l'IAP à rechercher, saisir et confisquer les recettes provenant de la cybercriminalité et prévenir le blanchiment d'argent sur l'Internet.

Les indicateurs comprennent :

  • Etendre les enquêtes financières et les poursuites liées à la cybercriminalité et les recettes provenant de la criminalité en ligne.
  • Le niveau de conformité avec les normes internationales sur la cybercriminalité, le blanchiment d'argent et de la perquisition, la saisie et la confiscation des recettes provenant de la cybercriminalité (Conventions du Conseil de l'Europe STE 185 et 198).


*Cette désignation est sans préjudice des positions sur le statut et est conforme à la résolution 1244 du Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies ainsi qu'à l'avis de la CIJ sur la déclaration d'indépendance du Kosovo







  • General guide and Explanatory Report on Protocols on interagency and international cooperation for investigations involving proceeds from crime online:
  1. Albania: ENG/ ALB
  2. Bosnia and Herzegovina: ENG/ BiH
  3. Montenegro: ENG/ MNE
  4. North Macedonia: ENG/ MKD
  5. Serbia: ENG/ RS
  6. Turkey: ENG/ TR
  7. Kosovo*: ENG/ ALB

Retour GLACY+ and iPROCEEDS: Workshop on channels and avenues for international cooperation in cybercrime

GLACY+ and iPROCEEDS: Workshop on channels and avenues for international cooperation in cybercrime

The Council of Europe and INTERPOL organized a Workshop on channels and avenues for international cooperation in cybercrime, at the INTERPOL Global Complex for Innovation in Singapore, dedicated to police officers coming from GLACY+ and iPROCEEDS priority countries.

The workshop was opened by H.E. Ambassador Barbara PLINKERT, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Singapore, who underlined the need for police agencies to engage in international cooperation:

Law enforcement agencies and prosecution services are increasingly required to deal with identification of cybercriminals in foreign jurisdictions or with acquisition of data that are located abroad. Using to the full extent the 24/7 points of contact network and Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties (MLAT) have become key to successful investigations and prosecutions.


The workshop focused on international cooperation instruments available for cybercrime investigation units and on the importance of engaging in cooperation at all levels: police-to-police, police-to-judicial authorities and police-to-service providers. This was also highlighted by Mr. Takayuki OKU, INTERPOL’s Cybercrime Assistant Director, in his welcoming note:

...the question of this workshop is how we can grasp the criminal network and trace back their locations. We need to work closely with each other across the regions and countries to move faster than cyber criminals.


This activity is the third annual appointment of a stream of activities whose final goal is to strengthen international cooperation and streamline the use of the MLA procedures in cybercrime investigations and prosecutions, following up on the International Workshop on MLA and International Cooperation, held in Singapore on 27 February - 1 March 2017 and the Joint International Workshop for Cybercrime Investigation Units and MLA Central Authorities, also held in Singapore on 27-31 August 2018.

Singapore 25-27 June 2019
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