Cooperation against Cybercrime

10 - 11 March 2009 Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France 

The conference provided an opportunity to interface for cybercrime experts from public and private sectors as well as international and non-governmental organisations from all over the world.

On the agenda


  • The Convention on Cybercrime and its Protocol
  • Legislative developments around the world
  • Guidelines for the cooperation of law enforcement and Internet service providers
  • The Project on Cybercrime


  • Following criminal money on the internet (workshop)
  • Criminalising child pornography on the internet (workshop)
  • Cybercrime training (workshop)
  • 24/7 points of contact and judicial cooperation (workshop)


  • The future of cybercrime: challenges ahead


The Conference was open to those professionally involved in cybercrime matters:

  • Criminal justice and law enforcement officials, including 24/7 points of contact and financial investigators
  • Representatives of ministries, parliaments or other institutions involved in cybercrime legislation
  • Private sector representatives, including in particular service providers and the financial sector
  • International organisations
  • Non-governmental organisations and researchers.

The conference was held in room 1 and room 2 at the Council of Europe main building (Palais). The plenary sessions as well as workshops 1, 2 and 3 was opened to the media. The Conference was followed by the meeting of the Cybercrime Convention Committee (T-CY) on 12 and 13 March 2009.

Secrétariat du T-CY

Alexander SEGER
Secrétaire exécutif

Manager de programme

Contactez le secrétariat