Retour Cybercrime@EAP 2018 and iPROCEEDS: Regional Meeting on International Cooperation

Kyiv, Ukraine , 

Mutual legal assistance authorities and officers from investigative units and 24/7 points of contact, representing Eastern Partnership (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) and Instrument of Pre-accession (IPA) countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”, and Turkey), are taking part in the Regional Meeting on international cooperation on cybercrime and electronic evidence organised through joint action by the Cybercrime@EAP and iPROCEEDS projects in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Organised in the format of plenary and workshops, led by a team of experts from Croatia, Estonia, the United Kingdom and the Unites States, the Regional Meeting facilitated discussion on subjects of legal regulations on international cooperation, direct judicial cooperation, use of templates and online tools, coordination between the judicial and police-to-police cooperation process, safeguards and guarantees under Article 15 of the Budapest Convention, etc.
The format of discussions was also used to validate and finalise two reports produced under the Cybercrime@EAP 2018 project, namely the Report on International Cooperation and Article 15 Safeguards and Guarantees in the Eastern Partnership region.

The Regional Meeting on International Cooperation thus allowed the project teams from Cybecrime@EAP 2018 and iPROCEEDS, project partners and C-PROC to receive updated information about trends and challenges related to international cooperation, assess the state of compliance with relevant standards and recommendations, and to further plan activities to improve their capacities for cooperation on cybercrime and electronic evidence.




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