Réunions plénières du T-CY
Les réunions plénières du Comité de la Convention sur la cybercriminalité sont organisées deux fois par an et sont tenues à huis clos.
L’agenda, les documents de travail et les rapports adoptés lors de ces plénières sont publics.
Les participants aux réunions plénières du T-CY sont les représentants des Etats Parties et Observateurs et les organisations internationales. Pour plus d’information
prochaines plenières
Sessions plénières précédentes
31st T-CY plenary (11-12 December)
Strasbourg, France
- T-CY Agenda (2024)1
- T-CY (2024)12 Meeting report
- T-CY 31 (2024) Item 5 Art 19 Assessment report
- Presentation: Item 6 capacity building
- T-CY 31(2024)10 Item 7 Questionnaire on Virtual assets
- T-CY 31(2024) Item 9 TOR for Working group on artificial intelligence
- Presentation: Item 10 UN process
- Presentation: Item 11 24/7
30th T-CY plenary (18-20 June)
Strasbourg, France
- T-CY (2024)1 Agenda
- T-CY(2024)6 Meeting report
- T-CY30 item 5 Capacity building
- T-CY30 item 6 Spontaneous Information EUROJUST
- T-CY30 item 6 Guidance Note
- T-CY30 item 8 Canada
- T-CY30 item 8 Second Protocol
- T-CY30 item 9 24/7 Network
- T-CY30 item 9 Article 19 and 27 Directory of authorities
- T-CY30 item 12 AI Framework Convention on Artifical Intelligence
28ème plénière du T-CY (27-28 juin)
29ème plénière du T-CY (11-12 décembre)
Bucarest, Roumanie
26th T-CY Plenary (10-11 May)
27th T-CY Plenary (29-30 November)
8th Protocol Drafting Plenary - virtual meeting (26 February)
- T-CY(2021)3 PDP Agenda
9th Protocol Drafting Plenary - virtual meeting (12 April)
- T-CY(2021)8 PDP Agenda
- T-CY(2020)07 [EN / FR / ESP] Draft 2nd Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime on enhanced cooperation and disclosure of electronic evidence (version 12 April 2021)
10th Protocol Drafting Plenary - virtual meeting (26/27 May)
24th T-CY Plenary - virtual meeting (28 May)
- T-CY(2021)11 Agenda
- T-CY(2021)13 Meeting report
- T-CY(2020)07 [EN/ FR] Draft 2nd Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime on enhanced cooperation and disclosure of electronic evidence (version 28 May 2021)
25th T-CY Plenary - virtual meeting (15 November)
- T-CY(2021)14 Agenda
- Second Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime (provisional version as approved by the Committee of Ministers)
- T-CY(2021)26 Meeting Report
6th Protocol Drafting Plenary - virtual meeting (22-25 September)
- T-CY(2020)25 PDP Agenda
- T-CY(2018)23rev [EN / FR] Provisional draft text of provisions (version 20 October 2020)
23rd T-CY Plenary - virtual meeting (30 November)
- T-CY(2020)33 Meeting report
- T-CY(2020)14 T-CY Workplan for 2021 [adopted]
- T-CY(2020)32 [EN/FR] State of play of the preparation of the 2nd Additional Protocol to the Budapest C
- T-CY(2020)30 T-CY Agenda
7th Protocol Drafting Plenary - virtual meeting (1 - 3 December)
- T-CY(2020)31 PDP Agenda
- T-CY(2018)23rev [EN / FR] Provisional draft text of provisions (version 10 November 2020)
21st T-CY Plenary (8 July)
- T-CY(2019)21 Meeting report
- T-CY(2019)4 Guidance Note on election interference
- T-CY(2013)25rev T-CY Rules of Procedure [revised]
- T-CY(2019)18 T-CY Agenda
4th Protocol Drafting Plenary (9-11 July)
T-CY(2019)18 PDP Agenda
22nd T-CY Plenary, 18 November
- T-CY(2019)36 Agenda
- T-CY(2019)40 Meeting report
5th Protocol Drafting Plenary, 19-20 November 2019
T-CY(2019)36 Agenda
19th Plenary (9 July)
- T-CY (2018)22 - Meeting report
- T-CY (2018)19 - Agenda
- T-CY (2017)10 - Mapping study on cyberviolence
- T-CY (2018)10 - Template for Mutual Legal Assistance Request for subscriber information under Article 31
- T-CY (2018)11 - Template for Data Preservation Request under Articles 29 and 30
2nd Protocol Drafting Plenary (10-11 July)
- T-CY (2018)34 - Meeting report
- T-CY (2018)19 - Agenda
- T-CY (2018)8 - Summary Report of the 2nd PDG meeting
- T-CY (2018)18 - Summary Report of the 3rd PDG meeting
- T-CY (2018)16 - Discussion Guide for Consultations
20th Plenary (27 November)
- T-CY (2018)37 - Meeting report
- T-CY (2018)33 - Agenda
- T-CY (2018)27 - T-CY workplan (1 January 2018 - 31 December 2019)
- T-CY (2018) 4 - Proposal for a Guidance Note on election interference
3rd Protocol Drafting Plenary (28-29 November)
- T-CY (2018)39 - PDP meeting report
- T-CY (2018)33 - Draft agenda
- T-CY (2018)28 - Summary Report of the 4th PDG meeting
17th Plenary (07-09 June)
- T-CY(2017)13 - Abridged meeting report
- T-CY(2017)3 - Terms of Reference for the preparation of a draft 2nd Additional Protocol to the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime
- T-CY (2016)25 - Implementation of Article 13 Budapest Convention by Parties and Observers: Assessment Report
- T-CY (2015)18 - Assessing implementation of Article 13 Budapest Convention on Sanctions and Measures: Compilation of replies to the questionnaire
- T-CY(2017)12 - Agenda 17th Plenary
- Media Gallery
18th Plenary (27-28 November)
- T-CY (2017)36 - Abridged meeting report - T-CY 18 Plenary
- T-CY (2017)02 - Assessment report on Mutual Legal Assistance: Follow up given by Parties and Observers
- T-CY (2017)30 - Compilation of replies to the questionnaire: Follow-up to the Assessment report on Mutual Legal Assistance
- T-CY (2017)18 - Opinion of the T-CY on the competent authority for issuing a preservation request under Articles 29 and 35 Budapest Convention
- T-CY (2017)23 - Agenda 18th Plenary and 1st Protocol Drafting Plenary
1st Protocol Drafting Plenary (28-29 November)
- T-CY (2017)38 - Abridged meeting report - 1st Protocol Drafting Plenary
- T-CY (2017)20 - Workplan and working methods
15th Plenary (24-25 May)
- T-CY(2016)19 - Abridged meeting report
- T-CY(2016)04 - Draft agenda
16th Plenary (14-15 November)
- T-CY(2016)32 - Abridged meeting report
- T-CY(2015)16 - Draft Guidance Note on Production Orders Article 18) - Revised version as discussed by the T-CY at its 16th Plenary
- T-CY(2016)11 - Guidance Note on Terrorism - Adopted
- T-CY(2016)28 - Draft agenda
13th Plenary (15-16 June)
- T-CY(2015)13 - Abridged Meeting Report
- T-CY(2015)6 - Assessment Report: Implementation of the preservation provisions of the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime
- T-CY(2015)7 - Assessment Report - Follow up given by Parties
- T-CY(2015)3 - Article 13 Assessment Questionnaire Adopted
- T-CY(2015)05 - Draft agenda
14th Plenary (01-02 December)
- T-CY(2015)25 - Abridged Meeting Report
- T-CY(2015)12 - Workplan 2016-17
- T-CY (2015)15- Draft Agenda
11th Plenary (17-18 June)
- T-CY(2014)11 - Abridged Meeting report
- T-CY(2014)8 - Opinion of the T-CY on Recommendation 2041 (2014) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on “Improving user protection and security in cyberspace”
- T-CY(2014)7 - Draft agenda
12th Plenary (2-3 December)
- T-CY(2014)22 - Abridged Meeting report
- T-CY(2014)20 - Guidance Note # 8 on Spam
- T-CY(2013)7 - Guidance Note # 3 on Transborder Access (Article 32)
- T-CY(2014)17 - Rules on obtaining subscriber information
- T-CY(2013)17 rev - T-CY assessment report:The mutual legal assistance provisions of the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime
- T-CY(2014)16 - Transborder access to data and jurisdiction: Options for further action by the T-CY
- T-CY(2013)25 rev - T-CY Rules of Procedure as revised by the 12th Plenary
- T-CY(2014)19 - Draft agenda
9th Plenary (4-5 June)
- T-CY(2013)22 - Abridged Meeting report
- T-CY(2013)6E - Guidance Note 2 on botnets
- T-CY(2013)8E - Guidance Note 4 on identity theft
- T-CY(2013)10E - Guidance Note 5 on DDOS attacks
- T-CY(2013)11E - Guidance Note 6 on Critical information infrastructure attacks
- T-CY(2013)12E - Guidance Note 7 on New forms of Malware
- T-CY(2013)15 - Draft agenda
10th Plenary (2-3 December)
- T-CY(2013)28 - Abridged Meeting report
- T-CY(2013)25 - T-CY Rules of Procedure
- T-CY(2013)24 - Workplan for the period 1 January 2014 - 31 December 2015
- T-CY(2013)27 - Draft Agenda
7th Plenary (4-5 June)
- T-CY(2012)14 - Abridged Meeting report
- T-CY(2012)13 - Election of the Bureau / Election du Bureau
- T-CY(2012)12 - Criteria and procedures for accession to the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime – Update
8th Plenary (5-6 December)
- T-CY(2012)26 - Abridged Meeting report
- T-CY(2012)24 - Rules of Procedure for the T-CY Bureau
6th Plenary (23-24 November)
- T-CY(2011)10 - Abridged Meeting report
- T-CY(2011)05 - Terms of Reference of the T-CY ad hoc sub-group on jurisdiction and transborder access to data and data flows
- T-CY(2011)04 - T-CY plan for the period 1 January 2012 – 31 December 2013
- T-CY(2011)03 - T-CY opinion on the accession criteria and procedure
5th Plenary (24-25 June)
- T-CY(2010)10 - Abridged Meeting report
- T-CY(2010)09 - Full meeting report
- T-CY(2010)08 - Comments of the T-CY on the Parliamentary Assembly Recommendation 1882 (2009) “The promotion of Internet and online media services appropriate for minors”
- T-CY(2010)06 - Modalities of accession by third countries to the Convention on Cybercrime
4th Plenary (12-13 March)
- T-CY(2009)05 - Abridged Meeting report
- T-CY(2009)06 - Full meeting report
- PC-OC(2009)05 - Summary of the replies to the questionnaire on Mutual Legal Assistance in Computer-Related Cases
3rd Plenary (3-4 April)
- T-CY(2008)04 - Meeting report
- T-CY(2008)INF 02 - Information document on cyberterrorism and use of internet for terrorist purposes
2nd Plenary (13-14 June)
- T-CY(2007)03 - Meeting report
- T-CY(2007)02 - Cybercrime and the European Union
1st Plenary (20-21 March)
- T-CY(2006)11 - Meeting report
- T-CY(2006)06 - United States activities to improve cybercrime legislation and investigative capacities
- T-CY(2006)04 - Strengthening cooperation between law enforcement and the private sector
Secrétariat du T-CY
Alexander SEGER
Secrétaire exécutif
Manager de programme
Assistante de programme