Workshop 10: Regional workshop for Latin America and the Caribbean: Inter-agency co-operation on electronic evidence

  15 December 2023

  EN – ES

  9h30 – 11h00 CET+1


Many countries in LAC have undertaken efforts in recent years to establish specialized cybercrime units at the level of police and prosecutorial services, as well as units responsible for digital forensics. However, the organizational setup and functions of such units keep evolving and are not always based on international good practices. Furthermore, interagency cooperation between specialized cybercrime units and other services to ensure that electronic evidence is admissible in courts, remains a challenge. The workshop aims at identifying good practices of setting up forensic units in police or prosecutors’ office, how to ensure inter-agency co-operation and how to avoid conflicting competencies in the area of digital forensics.


Questions for the audience to consider for the open debates:

  • What's the biggest challenge your country has in dealing with digital forensics? How are you planning to tackle it?
  • Do you have information and intelligence sharing mechanisms between police and prosecution services? Can the prosecutors’ unit use the digital capabilities of police?
  • For countries that have forensic capabilities in the prosecutors’ unit, how you make sure that you exploit both avenues  without overlapping?
  • Do you consider collaboration on training at a strategic level (joint training programmes, sharing materials, making sure both units are up to date)?
  • Has your country signed some agreement(s) on digital forensics and cyber investigations with other countries in the region? If yes, please provide more information.
  • Is your country considering the use of AI in digital forensics? If yes, how do you plan to deal with its limits and risks?
Fabio Bruno
Fabio Bruno Assistant Director, pro tempore, Applied Innovation, INTERPOL
Michael Stawasz
Michael Stawasz Deputy Chief of Computer Crime, US Department of Justice (US DoJ)
Armando Jose Diaz
Armando Jose Diaz Head of the Cybersecurity Department & Member of the 24/7 Point of Contact, Dominican Republic
Luciano Kuppens
Luciano Kuppens Federal National Justice Council, Brazil
Mauricio Fernandez Montalban
Mauricio Fernandez Montalban Director of the Cybercrime Unit, Public Ministry, Chile


  • Coming soon

  • Address: 2-4 Izvor Street, Bucharest, Romania
  • Floor: TBC
  • Room: TBC

      Practical information

 If you have any questions related to this workshop, please contact the Octopus Conference Secretariat