Retour The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe recommends that member States strengthen support to safe and free journalism and to engage in the Campaign for the Safety of Journalists - Journalists Matter

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe recommends that member States strengthen support to safe and free journalism and to engage in the Campaign for the Safety of Journalists - Journalists Matter

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) adopted a Recommendation and a Resolution based on the Report Guaranteeing media freedom and the safety of journalists: an obligation of member States

The report, presented by Mr Mogens Jensen, the General Rapporteur for Media Freedom and Safety of Journalists, from Denmark (SOC), underscores the critical role of free and secure journalism in fostering democracy. The resolution expressly supports the Council of Europe's Campaign for the Safety of Journalists Journalists Matter, launched on 5 October 2023. 

As outlined in the report, "harassment mostly takes place online, especially against investigative journalists and those who report on misinformation and disinformation campaigns. A study on harassment of fact-checkers carried out in 2023 by the International Press Institute23 showed that nine out of ten fact-checking organisations that participated in the survey experienced smear campaigns and online abuse from politicians, government officials, media pundits and public figures. More than half have experienced it repeatedly. A large majority (seven out of ten) of those experiencing online harassment were subjected to prolonged and/or coordinated behaviour like stalking, smear campaigns, hate speech, “doxing” or gender-based violence, among others. The frequency of harassment increased during the Covid-19 pandemic. Election periods also serve as catalysts for disinformation campaigns against fact-checkers. Most harassment happens online, predominantly on social networks. The second most frequent channel of harassment is online portals and websites. Fact-checkers tend not to report these attacks to the authorities due to a lack of confidence that their claims will be duly investigated. Perpetrators are mostly public figures who are not directly involved in politics but are engaged in political and social issues, such as media pundits, analysts, activists or leaders of groups or movements. But some are also politicians, either in power or representatives of parties not sitting in parliament."

The Assembly strongly backs the Campaign, urging member states to establish efficient national coordination structures, adopt strategies, and action plans to ensure a safe environment for journalists.

On the same day, the PACE adopted a Recommendation and a Resolution on Countering SLAPPs: An Imperative for a Democratic Society, presented by Mr Stefan Schennach (SPÖ, Austria) and stressing the urgent need for all Council of Europe member States to act together against the frivolous, vexatious or malicious legal proceedings which aim to intimidate, harass or silence their targets, thus threatening public participation.

To this end, the Recommendation recommends that the Committee of Ministers “adopts a bold recommendation on countering the use of SLAPPs following CDMSI proposals; [and] encourages and monitors the prompt and effective implementation by the member States of the guidelines set forth by the recommendation, including the wide range of safeguards mechanisms and remedies therein. The Council of Europe draft Recommendation on Countering the use of SLAPPs was finalised by the Expert Group on SLAPPs (MSI-SLP) in 2023. The CDMSI Plenary agreed to transmit it to the Committee of Ministers for consideration and final adoption.

During the winter PACE session, Ms Valentina Grippo from Italy has been elected as the new General Rapporteur on media freedom and safety of journalists, reinforcing the Assembly's commitment to upholding media freedom and safety.


PACE: Guaranteeing media freedom and the safety of journalists: an obligation of member States (report)

 Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE): Recommendatio and Resolution based on the Report on Guaranteeing media freedom and the safety of journalists

 PACE: Recommendation and a Resolution on Countering SLAPPs: An Imperative for a Democratic Society

 Council of Europe: Campaign for the Safety of Journalists (Journalists Matter)


Strasbourg, France 26 January 2024
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