Data Protection Day 2021 in Latin-America
40th Anniversary of data protection Convention 108
Data Protection Day 2021 will be held online on 28 January to notably celebrate this year the 40th Anniversary of the data protection Convention 108 with Latin-American data protection stakeholders.
Regulators of the region will inform the participants on latest developments at national, regional, and international level and will touch upon the advantages of Convention 108 for Latin-American countries. The evolution of Convention 108 into the ‘modernized’ Convention 108+ adds a new dimension to international data flows and cooperation between data protection authorities and will also be addressed.
Speakers will share about the jurisdictional updates and discuss the following questions:
- What is new on the front of data protection?
- What advantages (or disadvantages) would involvement in the Convention bring?
- What does the Convention mean in a post Schrems II era for relationships between Latin-American countries and the EU (and the GDPR)?
- How could Convention 108 contribute to relationships between Latin-American countries?
Opening remarks

Patrick Penninckx, Head of the Information Society Department, Council of Europe

Andrés Barreto, Chair of the Ibero-american Network for Data Protection, National Superintendent for Industry and Trade of the Republic of Colombia. Presidente de la Red Iberoamericana de Protección de Datos (RIPD). Superintendente de industria y Comercio de la República de Colombia


Rafael García Gozalo. Head of the International Division, Spanish Data Protection Agency, Kingdom of Spain. Jefe de la División de Internacional Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (AEPD), Reino de España


Virginia Pardo, Member of the Executive Board of the Personal Data Protection Regulatory and Control Authority / Director, Area of Information Society of the Republic of Uruguay. Miembro del Consejo Ejecutivo de la Unidad Reguladora y de Control de Datos Personales (URCDP) / Directora del Área de Sociedad de la Información de la República de Uruguay

Eduardo Cimato. Director, National Authority for the Access to Public Information of the Republic of Argentina. Director de la Agencia de Acceso a la Información Pública. República Argentina

Francisco Acuña. Commissioner, National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Data Protection of the United States of Mexico. Comisionado, Instituto Nacional de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos Personales (INAI), Estados Unidos Mexicanos.

Josefina Román. Commissioner, National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Data Protection of the United States of Mexico. Comisionada del Instituto Nacional de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos Personales (INAI). Estados Unidos Mexicanos.

Filipa Calvão. President, National Portuguese Data Protection Authority. Presidente, Comissão Nacional de Protecção de Dados (CNPD). Republica Portuguesa. Presidente, Comisión Nacional de Protección de Datos (CNPD). República de Portugal.

Elizabeth Mora. Director, National Data Protection Authoritity of the Republic of Costa Rica. Directora, Agencia de Protección de Datos de los Habitantes (PRODHAB). República de Costa Rica.

Closing remarks

Nelson Remolina, Data Protection Officer, National Superintendency for Industry and Trade of the Republic of Colombia. Presidency of the Ibero-american Network for Data Protection. Delegado de Protección de Datos. Superintendencia de industria y Comercio de Colombia. Presidencia RIPD

Q&A session
- To submit questions in advance, please contact us at[at]
- Questions will be accepted live during the event via the online platform Q&A feature.