Retour Debate with academic staff at the University of Montenegro

Debate with academic staff at the University of Montenegro

A forum on academic integrity and ethical standards in higher education took place at the University of Montenegro on 21 March 2018. More than 50 participants, including students of master and doctoral studies, professors, and deans of particular faculties attended the event.

Opening the event, the Vice-Dean for Research, Irena Orovic, stated that the support provided by the Council of Europe will further strengthen integrity policies at the university. Hence, she announced that a number of activities will take place under the corresponding Horizontal Facility Action.

Two well-known experts delivered presentations on their international experiences in the fight against plagiarism as well as on ethical standards at higher education institutions. There followed an active discussion with teachers and students. Given the interest in the discussions, the University's academic staff seemed to recognise the importance of the problem. In conclusion, it was emphasised that more efforts need to be invested in improving policies to combat academic misconduct.

The event was organised as part of the European Union/Council of Europe Horizontal Facility Action “Strengthen integrity and combat corruption in higher education”.

Podgorica 9 April 2018
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