European Centre for Rehabilitation of Buildings - ECBR


Address: National Institute for Building Research, INCERC, Bucharest, Romania Sos. Pantelimon 266, Sector 2, 021652 Bucharest, Romania

Tel.: +40 21-255.02.70

Fax: +40 21-255.00.62






President: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arch. Vasile MEITA, General Director of INCERC

Director: Dr. Eng. Emil-Sever GEORGESCU, Scientific Director for Constructions, Senior Researcher, URBAN-INCERC, INCERC Bucharest Branch

President of Scientific Council: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Iolanda-Gabriela CRAIFALEANU, Senior Researcher, URBAN-INCERC, INCERC Bucharest Branch

General Secretary: Dr. Math. Ioan Sorin BORCIA, Head of Seismic Risk and Actions on Buildings Laboratory, Senior Researcher, URBAN-INCERC, INCERC Bucharest Branch

ECBR is an independent organization within URBAN-INCERC and was reconfirmed in the new URBAN-INCERC structure, approved by the Romanian Government and MDRT, the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism in 2009 and 2010.

The management of the Center is made by the Director of the Center and supervised by the Permanent Correspondent of Romania to EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement, i.e. by the representative of MDRT in charge with EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement.


The existing building stock in Romania and in many countries of Europe has various age, comfort and structural safety and reliability.

The change of occupancy of buildings during the building lifespan, the cumulative structural damage produced by natural hazards and the upgrading of knowledge, standards and materials used for design of buildings and their technical equipments make the rehabilitation of buildings a major challenge for contemporary society in Europe.

Romania has adopted in the last years several national laws requesting and supporting the identification and the strengthening of buildings vulnerable to earthquakes as well as the upgrading of thermal comfort of buildings.


The Center should search and should perform activities devoted to rehabilitation of buildings at the national, regional and European levels, as well as to earthquake education of the citizens.
The Center intends to perform technical activities devoted to:

(i) Contributing to preparation of appropriate legislation for buildings rehabilitation and risk mitigation by MRDT;

(ii) Strengthening of the building structures damaged by earthquakes;

(iii) Mitigation of natural disaster risks, including earthquake education;

(iv) Rehabilitation of the building comfort and building equipment, associated with the ;

(v) Other activities related to the hazard, vulnerability and risk management.

The Center benefits from the facilities of existing laboratories in the INCERC Bucharest Branch and cooperates with universities.

The Center promotes partnership with specialized institutions, agencies and authorities related to building design and building rehabilitation from Romania, UE and world-wide.