Centre européen interrégional de formation sur les risques majeurs - ECRM 




Addresse: 23 Nalbandyan str., 0001 Yerevan, Republic of Armenia

Tel.: (374 10) 54 49 92

Fax: (374 10) 54 49 92

Mobile phone: (374 91)230037

E-mail: ecrmeurope@gmail.com




Président: Aram Tananyan

Président du comité scientifique: Ph. Dr. Arshavir Avagyan

Directeur: Stepan Badalyan

Personnel Permanent du Centre: Director, Adviser on high-technologies, Expert-translator, Head of scientific methodological department, Senior specialist, Computer operator-translator, Computer operator, Accountant, driver-mechanic.


Le Centre réalise des activités multidisciplinaires. Des programmes sont mis en œuvre conformément aux priorités définis par le système de l’Accord européen et méditerranéen sur les risques majeurs (EUR-OPA) du Conseil de l’Europe dans le domaine de la réduction des risques de catastrophes en collaboration étroite avec d’autres centres du réseau européen lié à au système de l’Accord, d’autres institutions internationales, le Service arménien de secours, l’Académie de gestion des crises relevant du ministère des situations d’urgence et d’autres organisations intéressées d’Arménie.

La priorité est donnée aux méthodes de travail actives contribuant à la prévention, à des réactions et des secours adéquats dans les activités liées à la gestion des crises :

  • Préparation et mise en œuvre de programmes et de matériels éducatifs ciblés pour sensibiliser la population et améliorer le degré de préparation aux catastrophes du grand public, des élus locaux, y compris les personnes les plus vulnérables (en particulier les enfants et les personnes handicapées) ; et participation de la société civile aux activités de réduction du risque de catastrophes ;
  • Activités visant à renforcer et à harmoniser la législation dans le domaine de la protection civile, de la réduction du risque de catastrophes et des réactions en cas d’urgence ;
  • Initiatives lancées pour l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre de programmes régionaux destinés à réduire le risque de catastrophes au niveau transfrontalier.


1. Preparation of the “National Report on Disaster Risk Reduction in the Republic of Armenia” for the “World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction ( Kobe, Japan, 18-22 January, 2005) 54 pages in English, ( May-August 2004)

2. Programme national de mise en œuvre de l’accord de partenariat et de coopération conclu entre la République d’Arménie, la Communauté européenne et ses Etats membres : « Rapprochement des législations de l’Union européenne, des Etats membres de l’UE et de la République d’Arménie ».

3. The Council of Europe’s European and Mediterranean Major Hazards Agreement , UN International Organization of Migration (IOM) “Risk assessment mission in Kosovo”, ”School of Civil Protection in Kosovo. Training Program For Trainers” Development of Module12. “Organization of Relief. Basis of organization and carrying out rescue operations in emergencies. (2000-2001)
4. Elaboration et mise en œuvre du projet de « campagnes nationales et locales d’information et d’avertissement de la population sur les situations de crise au niveau central et local (base d’un système régional d’alerte précoce dans les pays du Sud du Caucase et des Etats voisins en cas de situation d’urgence transfrontalière) » (2005-2013)

Ce projet est mis en oeuvre avec le soutien financier de l'Accord EUR-OPA risques majeurs du Conseil de l'Europe. La mise en oeuvre du projet inclus 4 phases: Planification. Preparation. Execution. Evaluation.

 By now within the Project framework the following materials have been created : “Methodology and Plan for action” aiming to develop and hold National and Municipal “Campaigns” on informing and warning the population about emergencies at central and municipal level” (in English and Russian).

  • The basic information materials:
    • Information Leaflet:” What to do first when warned about on an imminent disaster”,
    • Short Brochure:” Brief information for the population on what to do first when warned on imminent disaster
    • More detailed Brochure:” Priorities for action to be undertaken by the population when warned on an imminent disaster or in case a disaster is likely to occur in Armenia”
    • Additional information Modules for the municipalities at special risk ( Priorities for action to be undertaken by population):
    • Manual assigned for the population on how to act when radiation pollution is real or seems imminent
    • Manual assigned for population on how to act when chemical pollution is real or seems imminent”
    • Manual assigned for population on how to act when a flood is real or seems imminentManual assigned for population on how to act when an earthquake is real or seems imminent

 In the progress within the Project framework are being created some information materials on awareness raising and enhanced preparedness to emergencies assigned for the most vulnerable people.

  • Manual on preparedness and rules of behavior for the people with disabilities, especially children if an earthquake is real or seems imminent has ready been created.
  • Manual and Plan for action on heightened awareness and improved preparedness to an earthquake, assigned for the specialized and other types institutions, where the children with disabilities are cared (will be created in 2012-1213).

5. Elaboration de matériels pédagogiques complémentaires destinés à sensibiliser et à améliorer le degré de préparation aux catastrophes et adoption pilote dans des écoles et d’autres établissements d’enseignement (2006 – 2013)

Within the Project currently are being implemented in close collaboration with the Crisis Management Academy under the Ministry of Emergency Situations of RA :

  • “Basic knowledge on safety and survival in emergencies”, a pilot Manual assigned for running this course in schools and other academic institutions
  • “Methodology” for teaching the above course in secondary schools
  • “Special Tests” assigned for school administration, teachers and students’ parents to assess safety of schools and other academic institutions
  • Brochure: “Extreme Psychology”
  • Universal teaching “First Aid” Manual
  • “Memorandum first aid pocket Book”

6. Participation à l’élaboration de propositions pour le lancement, l’amélioration et le fonctionnement d’une plateforme nationale arménienne de réduction du risque de catastrophes ; invitation de la société civile à y participer ; et intégration de la plateforme dans le réseau européen des plateformes nationales (2010 – 2013)

7. Organisation d’une formation sur les compétences de premiers secours dans le cadre d’un programme commun franco-arménien (1997 – 2013) :

  • Offering training courses aimed to prepare the second and the first grade instructors from a number of students- members of the Alpine club of the Yerevan State Medical University to administer first aid at emergencies
  • Offering training courses on first aid and rescue operation basis in emergencies for military men from a peacekeeping battalion of the Republic of Armenia
  • Offering training courses for first aid health providers as well as monitors from outmost, isolated, mountainous, not easily accessible regions of Armenia

8. Participation au projet « renforcer la coopération entre les pouvoirs publics au niveau national, régional et local dans le domaine de la réduction du risque de catastrophes sous les auspices de l’Institut supérieur de planification d’urgence (ISPU, Bruxelles, Belgique) (2012 – 2013)

9. Participation au projet : « l’aléa nucléaire : Tchernobyl et Fukushima : leçons en matière de sensibilisation », coordonné par le Centre européen de sécurité technologique (TESEC, Kiev, Ukraine) (2012 – 2013)

10. Participation au projet : « la protection sismique des monuments (préparation de textes réglementaires sur la conception des interventions structurelles sur les monuments situés dans des zones sujettes aux tremblements de terre) », coordonné par le Centre européen sur la prévention et la prévision des tremblements de terre (ECPFE, Athènes, Grèce) (2012 – 2013)


“The Constitution of the Republic of Armenia and the problems of legislative regulation of the relations in the area of ensuring the safety of the population, territory, resources and state economical and political structures in emergencies”. Armenian Centre for National and International Studies. Accounting for the Decade. Yerevan, Armenia 2004, pages 283-309  “The law and reality” Journal, 2002, N 2, 3, 6.  Yerevan, Armenia.

“National Report on disaster reduction in the Republic of Armenia” for the World Conference on Disaster Reduction (18-22 January, 2005 Kobe, Japan) .Published on the web-site of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction .

“Risk assessment mission in Kosovo”.  School of Civil Protection in Kosovo. Modul 12. Organization of Relief. Council of Europe’s EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement and UN International Organization fof Migration, Strasbourg- Geneva, 2001.

Counter terrorism training for school age children in Armenia“Crisis Response” Journal 2005, November, the United Kingdom.

“Proposals for developing and implementing the Program of training children in the skills of recognizing and properly reacting to terrorist assassinations or at the danger of such assassinations”, OEDC “School safety and security, “Lessons in danger”, 2005, Paris, France

“The new Program of instructing the peacekeeping sub-units on conduct standards when contacting with civil population”. Emergency situations and peacemaking operations. “HAYKAKAN BANAK” (“ARMENIAN ARMY) Military-scientific quarterly of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Armenia. N 3-4 (41-42), 2004, pages 77-82.

“Concept of Legislative Base Creation in the Sphere of Protection of Population, Prevention and Emergency Response”. Partnership for Peace seminar. Proceedings. The legal Basis for Civil Emergency Planning. Follow-up of the Stockholm Proposals. 8-10th June 1998, Stockholm, Sweden.

“Problems and directions of regional security and cooperation in case of cross border emergencies”. Partnership for Peace Seminar. Proceedings. Civil Aspects of Crisis Management. International Cooperation and Good Neighborly Relations. Stockholm-Sweden 29 September- 2 October 1997.

“Ensuring the survival of the population and the economy in emergencies within the national security context”. “Armenian Army”. Military-scientific journal N 1-2, 1997.


 During 1995-2011 The Center actively participated in more than 30 International Conferences and Seminars held by the United Nations Organization, European Union, Council of Europe and NATO:

2011 July 8, Republic of San Marino : International Conference: “The Fukushima nuclear accident: is it another Chernobyl?” Presented paper:” Some aspects of energy safety and security and development of nuclear power in Armenia” ( the lessons from Fukushima)

2009 November 5-6, Athens, Greece : International Workshop:” Human rights in disasters: search and rescue operations in disasters, especially for vulnerable people” Presented paper:” Disaster risk reduction and the protection of vulnerable people- preparedness and preventive measures

2009, November 23-24 , Antalya, Turkey : International Workshop on “Disaster training/education” Presented paper:” Training community to deal with disasters”

2008 October 27-28, Istanbul, Turkey : International Workshop: “For a new governance of natural risks” Presented paper:” National and Municipal “Campaigns” on informing and warning the population about emergencies at central and municipal levels: a basis for a regional early warning system for the Southern Caucasian countries and neighboring states in trans- frontier emergencies”.

2008, September 22-23 Kiyv, Ukraine : International Workshop: “ Public authorities and civil society for a safe European nuclear future “Learning from Chernobyl Legacy to make European nuclear energy safer: the role of local communities, authorities and central governments in emergency preparedness and management” Presented paper:” Informing the population about radiological risk; the case of Armenia”

2007, October 29-30, Pathos, Cyprus : Euro-Mediterranean Workshop : “Disaster reduction at schools” Presented paper: “Training Program aimed at preparing vulnerable people, especially children to respond adequate in emergencies”

2005 January 18-22 Kobe Japan : World Conference on Disaster Risk reduction Presented paper :” The World Conference and problems of disaster risk reduction in the developing mountainous, landlocked countries ( the case of the Republic of Armenia)

2003 October 6-8 Madrid, Spain : Euro-Mediterranean Forum on disaster reduction Presented paper: “The Constitution of the Republic of Armenia and the problems of legislative regulation of the Republic of Armenia in the area of ensuring safety to people, territories recourses and state economic and political structures in emergencies”

2003, 12-14 November, Paris, France : OECD International Seminar on school safety and security Presented paper:“Program for training children in the skills of recognizing and properly reacting in case of terrorist assassinations or at the danger of such assassinations”.

1999 September 27- October 1, Czech Republic : PFP International Course : “Regional civil emergency planning /civil military co-operation” Presented paper:” Problems and direction of regional co-operation of Southern Caucasus states and adjacent regions in the area of trans- border emergency prevention and response”

1998, June,8-10 Stockholm, Sweden : PFP International Seminar :” The legal basis for civil emergency planning: follow-up of the Stockholm Proposals” Presented paper:” Concept of building a legislative base in the area of protection of the population and emergency prevention and response” ·   1997 September 29-October 2, Stockholm, Sweden : PFP International Seminar:” Civil aspects of crisis management. International cooperation and good neighborly relations” Presented paper:” Issues of regional cooperation in neighboring countries in the area of prevention of emergencies and disaster risk reduction”