Au 3 avril 2021

Retour JURA Cristian

Roumanie - Membre du Bureau
JURA Cristian

Date d’expiration du mandat : 31 décembre 2022
Membre depuis le 1 janvier 2018
Membre du Bureau depuis le 3 avril 2021
Membre du Bureau du 1 janvier 2019 au 31 décembre 2020

Education and academic qualifications

2000–2003, PhD, Law Faculty, Bucharest University

Professional activities

April 2011–to date, Professor of Public International Law, Christian University „Dimitrie Cantemir”, Bucharest

2015– Member of the Radicalization Awareness Network RAN an initiative financed by the EU

April 2010– appointed by the Romanian Parliament for a 5 year mandate, mandate renewed in 2015, State Secretary, Member of the Steering Board, National Council for Combating Discrimination

November 2003–January 2005, State Secretary, Department for Interethnic Relations, Government of Romania

August 2002–November 2003, President, State Secretary, National Council for Combating Discrimination

Expert in various EU financed projects

2012, expert/lecturer on combating discrimination in the project for the module „Strategic planning” within the project „Stimularea ocupării active, a dezvoltării antreprenoriale şi a economiei nonagricole durabile prin formarea şi implicarea resurselor umane neocupate din zonele rurale”, POSDRU 83/5.2/S/5748

2012, expert on combating discrimination and gender equality in the project „FEMINA – Formare pentru jurnalişti, Emisiuni TV, Monitorizare, Informare Naţională şi Advocacy pentru afirmarea egalităţii de şanse şi de gen” POSDRU 97/6.3/S/60732

May 2011, expert – author of the study „The Transposition of EU acquis in national legislation on the field of labor” within the project „Office for Monitoring the Labor Market and the Quality of Working Places” POSDRU 2007 - 2013 ID 29527

24–26 January 2011, lecturer for the module 9 „Electoral education. Participation of Roma Communities at the Social Life” within the project „The National Network of Roma Experts. Mechanisms for Implementation of Social Inclusion Measures of Roma as a Vulnerable Group Socially Marginalized”, financed by POSDRU / 16 / 6.3 / S / 6

21–23 January 2011, lecturer for the module 7 „Income generating activities for the Roma communities. Developing a Business Plan” within the project „The National Network of Roma Experts. Mechanisms for Implementation of Social Inclusion Measures of Roma as a Vulnerable Group Socially Marginalized”, financed by POSDRU / 16 / 6.3 / S / 6


than 20 books on Public International Law, Human Rights, Combating Discrimination, Sports Law and more than 40 scientific articles published in Romania or abroad.


1 March 2018 – Special prize awarded by Legal Science Society for the project Legal Days

17 December 2004 – Special prize awarded by the Jurists Union of Romania and ”Titu Maiorescu” Society for the book International Terrorism

19 December 2003 – prize Vespasian V. Pella awarded by Jurists Union of Romania for the book The Role of Nongovernmental Organizations at International Level

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