Retour Identification of actions areas and measures towards protection of journalists

As part of its National Action Plan, Switzerland has set out three action areas with a total of nine implementation measures. The action areas are logically divided with regard to their intervention area- the first being dedicated to awareness-raising and prevention, the second to protection and support against threats and violence and the third to the legal framework. 

Under the action Area 1 on awareness-raising and prevention

As part of its existing awareness-raising OFCOM has a comic series on the danger of online communication. In this context, OFCOM has now developed a two-part comic strip series on the importance of media and journalists. The two stories have also been published in two print magazines for young people, Maky (German) and Rataplan (French).

To promote mutual trust and understanding and to avoid conflict, the Action Plan aims to establish an in-depth dialogue between journalists and the police. OFCOM has started this work and the first roundtable between the media industry (represented by the Swiss sounding board) and the police (represented by the press officers of the Swiss police forces) has taken place in April 2024. Further engagements have been planned and concrete actions already identified.

To establish an evidence base on the situation of media professionals in Switzerland, OFCOM will conduct an initial survey on the safety of media professionals as part of the National Action Plan. This will contribute to improve an overall assessment of the situation and inform potential follow-up actions to the National Action Plan. A pre-study on the focus and methodology has already been conducted and the study will be awarded shortly. The study is scheduled to be published in Q2 2025.

The lack of uniformity of press passes in Switzerland makes it difficult to identify journalists (e.g. for blue-light organisations). The lack of uniformization and standards can also have an adverse effect on respect for the profession. In view of this, the National Action Plan foresees an industry dialogue on the issue of standardising press passes and the requirements for holding them. The first dialogue has been held in February 2024 and a further round is planned in September. While progress has been made, there are still a number of outstanding issues.


Under the action area 2 on protection and support against threats and violence

Various services and points of contact are available, both nationally and internationally, for media professionals facing threats and violence. However, these services and points of contact are often difficult to find or not widely known about. To remedy this, the media industry has pledged to develop a joint website collating and listing existing services. The website for German-speakers, hosted by the journalists school MAZ is now in early development. The website for French speakers should follow short.

Switzerland is committed to protecting media professionals and promoting the freedom of the media as part of diplomatic initiatives. Swiss representations abroad will be informed about this Action Plan and made more aware of the issues facing foreign correspondents. The FDFA will hold webinars with Swiss representations to achieve these goals and to better understand the challenges foreign correspondents might be facing. Theses webinars are planned for fall 2024.

Online hate speech is a widespread phenomenon that particularly affects media professionals. OFCOM has been instructed by the Federal Council to draft a law on the regulation of communications platforms. It aims to increase the transparency of online platforms and the protection and rights of users. This will also benefit media professionals. The consultation of the draft law is planned for fall 2024.

Under action area 3 on legal framework

As part of the National Action Plan, OFCOM has been tasked to investigate the extent and characteristics of SLAPPs in Switzerland. To this effect, OFCOM has commissioned a study, which is now available (only in German). The study comes to the conclusion that SLAPPs are present in Switzerland, but are generally not perceived as a major issue. The outcome of the study has been discussed with the sounding board in May 2024.
As part of the National Action Plan, OFCOM has been tasked to be actively involved in the Council of Europe’s work on SLAPPs, especially on the recommendation of the MSI-SLP. Switzerland participated constructively in the work of the expert committee and is delighted that the recommendation has been successfully adopted earlier this year.

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