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Grèce, chapitre national

Les Journalistes comptent, Campagne du Conseil de l'Europe pour la sécurité des journalistes

Le Conseil de l'Europe encourage les Etats membres à transposer la Campagne dans le contexte national. Sans l'effort engagé et efficace de chaque membre au niveau national, à travers le développement de ce que l'on appelle le "chapitre national", la Campagne ne peut atteindre ses objectifs.

Dans cette section, nous présenterons les développements en Grèce :

Points focaux nationaux

Dr. Dimitrios GALAMATIS, Secrétaire général de la communication et des médias, Présidence du gouvernement
Ms Aikaterini POLYZOU, Cheffe du Service des médias audiovisuels et de l’Internet, Présidence du gouvernement, Secrétariat général de la communication et des médias

Comité de la campagne nationale


Sécurité des journalistes - paysage national

In Greece, among the most important deliverables of the Task Force during its two years of operation, is the establishment of the “International Training Centre for the Safety of Journalists and Media Professionals” (ICSJ) which aims to harness the expertise and resources of the academic and professional community to provide specialized practical training to journalists and media professionals.

A number of legislative initiatives have been taken to provide better protection for journalists:

  • Under Law 5085/2024 Article 15, anyone who issues public statements, announcements, and publications, incites, urges, encourages or facilitates acts that may lead to violent offenses or threats of violence against journalists, who in the context of their capacity cover or comment on professional events sports, as well as related issues, shall be punished by imprisonment at least one (1) year and a fine.
  • With the recently adopted law number 5090/2024, article 362 concerning the act of simple defamation was removed from the Greek Penal Code.  Now only the act of libel concerning the dissemination of knowingly false information that may harm the honor or reputation of another, foreseen in article 363, remains punishable.
  • On 23 May 2024, journalists’ unions in Greece and the government signed a collective labour agreement for journalists employed by the State and public media. The agreement includes new gender equality provisions and enhanced protection for women journalists against harassment.
activités de la campagne

Retour Trainings organised by the International Training Center for the Safety of Journalists and Media Professionals (ICSJ)

The International Training Center for the Safety of Journalists and Media Professionals (ICSJ) is scheduled to organize the following trainings:

- A specialized training session organized by the International Training Centre for the Safety of Journalists and Media Professionals in cooperation with UNESCO will take place on 18-21 June 2024, in Thessaloniki. This specialized joint training draws upon UNESCO's extensive expertise and instruction materials to provide a comprehensive program tailored specifically for law enforcement officials and media professionals.

- Under the coordination of the International Training Centre for the Safety of Journalists (ICSJ) along with the Peace Journalism Lab, the School of Journalism and Mass Communications of Aristotle University Thessaloniki, the Jean Monnet Chair for European Public Diplomacy, and the Hellenic Multinational Peace Support Operations Training Center organize the third "Safety for Journalists” Training School, with the support of Secretariat General of Communication and Media, Digital Communication Network Global, Journalists Union of Macedonia and Thrace and Friedrich Newman foundation, the third "Safety for Journalists” Training School will take place between 16-20 September.

- The International Training Centre for the Safety of Journalists (ICSJ) is organizing an international conference on journalists’ safety under the title “Safeguarding Journalists: Mapping the field”, scheduled to take place between 20-22 September, in Thessaloniki. This international conference aims to address the challenges faced by journalists worldwide and explore strategies to ensure their safety while upholding the principles of free speech and independent journalism through panel discussions, workshops, presentations, and networking sessions.

- A new academic course is launched by the Task Force, on the Safety of Journalists and other Media Professionals, starting from spring semester of academic year 2023-2024.  The new course is now included as a shared course in the university curricula, in the 4th year of the Journalism Departments of three Greek Universities.

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Initiatives existantes
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: This Memorandum of understanding on the protection, safety and empowerment of journalists and other media professionals contains a common framework of...