

Measures to avert/remedy the risks


Legislation and sanctions are applied in a discriminatory or arbitrary manner against journalists and other media actors.

  • Review of defamation, anti-terrorism, national security, public order, hate speech, blasphemy and memory laws is carried out to ensure that definitions, key terms and concepts are defined with sufficient precision to avoid abuse and that safeguards for the exercise of freedom of expression are in place.
  • Adherence to the principle of proportionality in applying such laws and sanctions is ensured and due restraint in resorting to criminal proceedings/criminal sanctions for press offences is exercised.
  • Adequate procedural safeguards and effective remedies against abuse of these laws are in place.
  • Review of defamation legislation is carried out to ensure that:
  • it does not provide for excessive, disproportionate sanctions and damages awards;
  • in line with the ECHR caselaw, prison sentences may only be envisaged for exceptional situations, notably where other fundamental rights have been seriously impaired;
  • there is no increased protection for public figures from public scrutiny or criticism;
  • heads of state/monarchs are not conferred special protection visà-vis the right to report and express opinions about them;
  • it provides for freedom of expression safeguards that conform to European and international human rights standards, including the availability of truth/publicinterest/fair comment defences;
  • fasttrack or low-cost measures and a range of civil remedies as alternatives to damages, such as apologies or correction orders, are available;
  • it promotes extrajudicial bodies, such as press councils, to provide a proportionate response to defamation.
  • Training of judges in order to avoid arbitrary application of restrictive legislation is provided.

Frivolous, malicious or vexatious use of law and legal process to intimidate and silence journalists and other media actors.

  • Legislative and/or other measures to prevent abuse of the judicial process are carried out, in particular:
  • measures to prevent forum shopping in defamation cases;
  • introducing antiSLAPP legislation;
  • making available legal aid schemes to journalists in order to ensure that they have a reasonable opportunity to present their cases;
  • providing training for judges in order to prevent and curb frivolous, malicious or vexatious use of law and legal process.

Reference texts and other relevant sources

Pratiques et initiatives utiles qui fournissent des orientations dans ce domaine

Suggestions pour la mise en œuvre