Retour Increasing Human Rights Multipliers in Eastern Partnership Countries: Training of Trainers session for Legal Professionals

Increasing Human Rights Multipliers in Eastern Partnership Countries: Training of Trainers session for Legal Professionals

On the 10-11 March 2022, 28 legal professionals from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Moldova benefited from an on-line HELP training-of-trainers (ToT) session by the Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP) Programme of the Council of Europe, supporting them to become human rights multipliers through the delivery of human rights training for legal professionals at the national level.

The ToT was organised in co-operation with the Armenian Academy of Justice, the Justice Academy of Azerbaijan, the Georgian High School of Justice, and the Moldovan National Insitute of Justice. It aimed to equip the future national tutors with necessary skills to organise, deliver and monitor the implementation of the national versions of the HELP online courses.

Following a general presentation of the HELP Programme, the basics of the HELP training methodology, and the role of a HELP tutor, the participants were then introduced to the HELP on-line training platform (hosting over 40 courses available in more than 350 language versions). During the ToT, they were trained on the technical elements of the e-platform and given necessary practical and methodological skills to effectively implement HELP on-line tutored courses targeting legal professionals in their respective countries.

This particular ToT will enlarge the pool of certified HELP tutors in the countries targeted by the project. The participants who successfully complete their assignments will become HELP certified trainers. They will be included in the pool of HELP certified tutors available on the HELP website.

The ToT featured presentations from the HELP Secretariat on a number of the latest or newly updated courses, including the courses on Ethics for Judges, Prosecutors and Lawyers; International Cooperation in Criminal Matters and Judicial Reasoning and Human Rights.

This activity was organised under the project “HELP implementing the ECHR in Eastern Partnership countries”, funded by the United Kingdom and implemented by the Council of Europe. It follows a series of HELP course launches under the project in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and the Republic of Moldova.

Online 10-11 March 2022
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