The main partners of the Project are EU national training institutions and bar associations, with the Romanian Institute of Magistracy and the Spanish School of Judges and Bar association as key partners.

The main beneficiaries are legal professionals of EU countries.

The main aim is to contribute to an increased protection of fundamental rights in the EU Member States in areas such as fight against racism, xenophobia and homophobia; data protection and privacy; family law; asylum; labour rights; and integrity of a person (bioethics); procedural rights in criminal proceedings and victims’ rights; asylum.

The specific objectives are:

  1. To enhance EU legal professionals’ capacities to effectively and coherently apply European fundamental rights standards at the national level and through cross-border training, mainly referring to the EU Charter on Fundamental Rights (the Charter), the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), the (revised) European Social Charter (ESC) and relevant EU and Council of Europe Law.
  2. To strengthen the HELP (Human Rights Education for Legal professionals) EU Network and increase mutual trust between EU practitioners.