Retour New and free ‘HELP in the 28’ course on Data Protection and Privacy Rights

New and free ‘HELP in the 28’ course on Data Protection and Privacy Rights

People can easily become victims of data protection violations brought on by the widespread use of information and communication technologies by public and private actors. A better understanding of those rights by legal professionals is crucial.
The ‘HELP in the 28’ course on Data Protection and Privacy Rights offers a comprehensive curriculum which covers in an interactive way the key concepts, the legal framework of the Council of Europe (CoE) and the EU as well as the case law or the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) and of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU).
One of the key reference materials to develop this course has been the Handbook on Data Protection developed jointly by the EU Fundamental Rights Agency and the CoE together with the Registry of the ECtHR. The course takes into account the EU Reform adopted in April 2016.
You will also learn to identify violations and apply remedies in specific areas of data protection and privacy rights such as:.
The course has 10 substantive modules:

• The first three modules are basic knowledge about the right to privacy and data protection. You will learn what the legal instruments available on the European level are (stemming from both the Council of Europe and EU systems), what the role of institutions is, and what the key concepts and principles are.

• The next five modules present different thematic areas related to: 1) medical data, 2) media (traditional and non-traditional), 3) new technologies, 4) e-communication and 5) workplace surveillance.

• The last two modules are about the enforcement of data protection and privacy rights.

The course has been developed thanks to the “HELP in the 28” Programme implemented by the Council of Europe. Funded by the EU, “HELP in the 28” is the largest training project within the EU on fundamental rights for judges, prosecutors and lawyers.

If you complete the course and scores successfully in the multiple choice questions throughout it, you will be entitled to print a ‘statement of accomplishment’ from the HELP in the 28 Programme.
To get access to the course, first log in or open a HELP account at
Once logged in, access the course by clicking here:

A presentation video of the course is available here.

Strasbourg 05/09/2016
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What is HELP?


The European Programme for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP) supports the Council of Europe member states in implementing the European Convention on Human Rights (the Convention) at the national level, in accordance with the Committee of Ministers Recommendation (2004) 4, the 2010 Interlaken Declaration, the 2012 Brighton Declaration and the 2015 Brussels declaration.

This is done by enhancing the capacity of judges, lawyers and prosecutors in all 46 member states to apply the Convention in their daily work. Indeed, legal professionals, who are at the forefront of the protection of human rights, including those of victims, must benefit from high-quality training.



HELP in the EU

The European Programme for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals in the European Union member states (HELP in the EU) supports legal professionals to enhance their capacities to effectively and coherently apply European fundamental rights standards at the national level and through cross-border training, mainly referring to the EU Charter on Fundamental Rights (the Charter), the European Convention on Human Rights, the European Social Charter and relevant EU and Council of Europe Law.

Furthermore, the project wishes to strengthen the HELP EU Network and increase mutual trust between EU practicioners.