Retour Conference on “Interpretation and Implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights by Constitutional Courts of the Western Balkans”

An International Conference “Interpretation and Implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights by Constitutional Courts of the Western Balkans” was held at Hotel “Swiss Diamond” in Pristina, Kosovo*. The event brought together Presidents and judges of constitutional courts of the Western Balkans and Turkey, as well as academics and legal professionals from across the Council of Europe member states. The participants discussed actual issues which stand before constitutional courts in application and interpretation of the ECHR, and their relationship with the Strasbourg Court. It was confirmed that constitutional courts are one of the main “users” of the ECHR at the national level, and a powerful tool of protection of human rights. The Convention allows them to strengthen and unify human rights standards in Europe. The discussion touched upon the issues of judicial dialogue (or, as underlined by some speakers, polylogue) that is widely considered as the most important form of interaction between constitutional courts and the European Court of Human Rights. This dialogue serves as a tool to avoid the situations of conflict between Strasbourg and national constitutional tribunals. If a conflict happens, however, it should be resolved with the highest regard to human rights and in mutually acceptable way. Along those lines, the idea of accessibility of constitutional justice without excessive admissibility barriers was emphasised.

The Conference was organized in the framework of the Council of Europe Project “Support to the Implementation of European Human Rights Standards in Kosovo*”, financed by the Government of Norway.

Pristina, Kosovo* 19-20 January 2016
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"All reference to Kosovo, whether the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United Nation’s Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo."