Retour Fourth regional forum on harmonisation of judicial practice with the case-law of the Strasbourg Court took place in Tirana

@Council of Europe

@Council of Europe

The promotion of the harmonisation of domestic judicial practice with the case law of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) was a key focus of the 4th regional forum organised in Tirana in cooperation with the Albanian High Judicial Council and the Supreme Court under the EU and Council of Europe joint action titled “Improving the protection of the right to property and facilitating the execution of ECtHR judgments in Albania” (D-REX III).

Seventy judges and legal staff from the courts of general and administrative jurisdiction located in Tirana, as well as the Special Courts against Corruption and Organised Crime, engaged in discussions on the current case law of the Supreme Court. They also explored specific cases and particular topics that may require potential harmonisation and development of judicial practice. These forums served as valuable platforms for disseminating harmonised judicial practice and strengthening the role of the Supreme Court in ensuring legal certainty.

In less than a year, over 200 judges and legal professionals from various regions in Albania have participated in similar forums organised by these institutions.

This event was organised as part of the action titled “Improving the protection of the right to property and facilitating the execution of ECtHR judgments in Albania” (D-REX III), within the European Union and Council of Europe joint program known as the "Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey

Tirana 3 November 2023
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