Retour High Prosecutorial Council started drafting the new Ethics Code of the public prosecutors to align with the new legal framework

High Prosecutorial Council started drafting the new Ethics Code of the public prosecutors to align with the new legal framework

With the support of the joint EU/CoE Project "Support for the Implementation of Judicial Reform in Serbia", the Working Group of the High Prosecutorial Council started drafting the new Ethics Code of the public prosecutors at a two-day meeting in Vršac. The initial Draft Ethics Code was developed by a local Council of Europe expert building on the provisions of the current Code of Ethics and the new prosecutorial laws. The working group is inclusive and gathers members of the High Prosecutorial Council, public prosecutors from all four appellate public prosecutors’ offices, representatives of two associations of public prosecutors, and a civil society representative.

The Draft Ethics Code addresses the principles laid down in the Recommendation Rec (2000)19 of the Committee of Ministers on the role of public prosecution in the criminal justice system, as well as other instruments that refer to ethical principles for public prosecutors. In line with the new Law on Public Prosecution, the Draft Ethics Code regulates the ethical principles of legality, independence, impartiality, proportionality, responsibility, dedication, and dignity. These provisions shall be further specified in the Guidelines for the Ethics Code which are being developed.

The Draft Ethics Code needs to be fully aligned with the new Law on Public Prosecution and European standards and promote the key ethical values to strengthen the autonomy of the prosecutors. The joint EU/CoE project "Support for the Implementation of Judicial Reform in Serbia" will continue to support the High Prosecutorial Council in the process of drafting the necessary bylaws to align with the new legal framework.

Vrsac 28 – 29 February 2024
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