Retour In-service Training Seminar on Individual Application Procedure for Lawyers in Diyarbakır

© Council of Europe

© Council of Europe

The 32nd in-service training seminar for lawyers on individual application procedures and admissibility criteria was organised in Diyarbakır on 9-10 March 2019 in order to improve the awareness, knowledge and basic skills of lawyers within the framework of the Joint Project on Supporting the Individual Application to the Constitutional Court in Turkey.

The seminars were organized to improve the knowledge and skills of lawyers on individual application procedure to the Constitutional Court. The programme covered the following subjects:

  • Introduction to individual application to the Constitutional Court: Scope of the Constitutional Court’s review power
  • The rule of exhausting ordinary legal remedies in individual application and the time limit for application
  • Manifestly ill-founded applications
  • Drafting qualified petitions and filing an application

A total of 95 lawyers from Diyarbakır participated in the training seminars organized on Saturday and Sunday. The training was delivered by two facilitator lawyers who completed the training of trainers in 2017 within the project.

You can follow other project news from the following social media accounts: Website, Facebook and Twitter.

Diyarbakir 9-10 March 2019
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