On 21 July, the project “Strengthening the Kosovo* Institutions in fighting torture, Ill-treatment and other degrading treatment” was officially introduced to main stakeholders and beneficiaries during the online Kick-off Meeting. The new initiative builds on results and achievement of a previous project completed in April 2019, “Strengthening the National Preventive Mechanism against Torture”.
The Council of Europe will work closely with the “National Preventive Mechanism (NPM)” of the Ombudsperson Institution, judiciary and faculties of law in strengthening their capacities and understanding of European standards for the prevention of and protection from torture and ill-treatment of persons deprived of liberty.
Representatives of the Ombudsperson Institution and its National Preventive Mechanism against Torture, Correctional Service, Justice Academy, Judicial Council, Prosecutorial Council and Police, as key partners in the project, expressed great enthusiasm and support for the initiative and expressed commitment to joint work and cooperation in developing and execution of comprehensive set of activities.
The new project officially started on 1 July 2020 and will end on 31 December 2021. It is funded by the Norwegian government and implemented by the Council of Europe.