Retour Methodology for Evaluation of Human Rights Training discussed with Judicial Training Institutes representatives from the region

© Council of Europe

© Council of Europe

Representatives and trainers of the Judicial Training Institutes of the Western Balkan region met in an online forum to discuss the impact evaluation of training activities and important aspects related to the usage of the Methodology and Tools for Evaluation of Human Rights Training.

Professor Natasha Gaber, Director of the Macedonian Academy of Judges and Prosecutors, and Professor Sokol Berberi, lecturer at the Albanian School of Magistrates, spoke about the steps taken by their respective institutions for conducting impact evaluation of training activities.

“Conducting impact evaluation requires time and a one step of a time approach, but you have made it possible” stressed Ivana Roagna, the Council of Europe expert and the author of the Methodology during her presentation.

Methodology and Tools for Evaluation of Human Rights Training was developed and promoted among all Judicial Training Institutes of the Western Balkan Region in May 2021. The Methodology is available in English, Albanian, Macedonian and Serbian languages. The translation into Turkish language is underway.

The meeting was organised within the action "Judicial training institutes for Quality and Sustainability", which is a part of the joint European Union and Council of Europe programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022”.

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