Retour Putting Theory in Practice of Prison Monitoring

© Council of Europe

© Council of Europe

A four day workshop brought together high level international expertize and local capacities and potentials in the field of prevention of torture and ill-treatment in Kosovo*.

From 12 to 15 February the project team organised a training on general monitoring of prisons benefiting to sixteen professionals of the National Preventive Mechanism against Torture (NPM) and other relevant staff of Ombudsperson Institution and civil society organisations in Kosovo*. A four-day workshop was delivered by two distinguished international experts, Mr Trevor Stevens and Mr Jim McManus, both with comprehensive experience with the European Committee for Prevention of Torture (CPT).

The thematic focus of the training was on international and European standards in prison monitoring, interviewing techniques during the visits and follow up reporting on findings, issuing recommendations and communication with authorities and general public. Through the lenses of European Prison Rules, Mandela rules and CPT norms and experience, trainees were familiarised with the relevant standards for monitoring material conditions in prisons, out of cell activities, staffing issues, solitary confinement, disciplinary procedures, contact with outside world and other relevant aspects. One full day was reserved for the practical coaching during the visit to High Security Prison in Podujevë/Podujevo.

The module on general prison monitoring is part of the comprehensive training curricula Monitoring Places of Deprivation of Liberty developed within the project "Strengthening the National Preventive Mechanism in Kosovo*", funded by the Council of Europe, Swiss and Norwegian governments and implemented by the Council of Europe.

Pristina-Podujevo 12-15 February 2018
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"All reference to Kosovo, whether the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United Nation’s Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo."