Retour Round Table Meeting: “Emerging Issues in Individual Application to the Constitutional Court”

© Council of Europe

© Council of Europe

The eighth regional round table meeting on “Emerging Issues in Individual Application to the Constitutional Court” was organized within the Joint Project on Supporting Individual Application to the Constitutional Court of Turkey on 3-4 December 2018 in Antalya in order to evaluate the problematic areas which are subjects of individual applications and directly related to instance courts/ courts of appeals.

The meeting was organized with the participation of the Presidents and Members of the Criminal Chambers of Antalya Court of Appeals, Presidents of Justice Commissions, Chief Public Prosecutors, Judges, Public Prosecutors and Presidents of Bar Associations from Antalya, Denizli, Isparta and Burdur; Member, Deputy Secretary General, Chief Rapporteur and Rapporteurs of the Constitutional Court. Judges, prosecutors, lawyers as well as academics made presentations and made exchanges on the solution of five systemic problems of the individual application system identified by the Turkish Constitutional Court and the solution of problems that result in violation judgments.

Please click here for the meeting agenda.

Antalya 3-4 December 2018
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