Retour Several migration related publications now available in Turkish

© Council of Europe

© Council of Europe

Within the scope of the joint European Union/Council of Europe action “Strengthening the human rights protection of migrants and victims of human trafficking in Turkey”, the Council of Europe Programme Office in Ankara has translated into Turkish and published the following publications: Visiting Places where Children are Deprived of Liberty”, a guide for parliamentarians; "Legal and Practical Aspects of Effective Alternatives to Detention in the Context of Migration”, an analysis by the Steering Committee for Human Rights (CDDH);“Alternatives to Immigration Detention: Fostering Effective Results”, a practical guide; “How to Convey Child Friendly Information to Children in Migration, the handbook for frontline professionals” and “Monitoring Places where Children are deprived of Liberty”, a practical guide publication of the Defence for Children International (DCI)-Belgium.

These publications will be disseminated among the action stakeholders and used as source material for trainings to be provided to beneficiary institutions, including the Directorate General for Migration Management, Directorate General of Security, General Command of Gendarmerie, Coast Guard Command, Ministry of Justice, Human Rights and Equality Institution of Turkey, Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services and local Bar Associations of Turkey.

Translation of these publications were funded within the framework of the action “Strengthening the human rights protection of migrants and victims of human trafficking in Turkey”, which is implemented under the joint European Union/Council of Europe programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022

 Download the publications:

  • Legal and Practical Aspects of Effective Alternatives to Detention in the Context of Migration - English - Turkish 
  • Alternatives to Immigration Detention: Fostering Effective Results - English - Turkish 
  • Monitoring Places where Children are deprived of Liberty - English - Turkish 
  • Visiting Places where Children are Deprived of Liberty - English - Turkish 
  • How to Convey Child Friendly Information to Children in Migration - English - Turkish 
Ankara 30 March 2021
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