Retour Supporting New Strategic Vision of the Constitutional Court

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New strategic vision of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo* for 2021-2023 was discussed during online workshop facilitated under the project on 1 and 2 October. All Court’s units took part in the discussions of the fourth three-year strategic plan of the Court since its establishment in 2009.

This major event followed several individual online meetings, correspondence with relevant Court’s professionals, and desk review of internal documents and various thematic reports, which were held for evaluation of the previous strategy for 2018-2020. The new strategic plan will subsequently build on findings and recommendations of that evaluation, integrating lessons learned and practical experience of judges, legal advisors and support staff of the institution.

Relevant professionals from all units of the court provided necessary inputs through interactive discussion with two experienced strategic planning experts. The participants were engaged in defining main objectives, key areas of intervention and SWOT analyses for the new strategy.

The new strategic plan will also build on results and achievements of this project which largely contributed to meeting capacity building needs and awareness raising objectives of the institution set in the current strategic document. New programmatic interventions in this field foreseen by the Human Rights National Implementation Division will certainly use the new strategic plan as guiding document while designing new cooperation initiatives to continue support the Constitutional Court of Kosovo*.

The project “Improving the Protection of European Human Rights Standards by the Constitutional Court of Kosovo*” is funded by Norwegian government and implemented by the Council of Europe. It is foreseen to be completed by 31 December 2020.

Pristina 1-2 October 2020
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"All reference to Kosovo, whether the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United Nation’s Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo."